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  1. Krusty the Senile

    sometimes my code doesn't let me enter a character if it is asked earlier in the program

    Before reading the single char in, you could flush the input buffer with fflush(): https://www.tutorialspoint.com/clearing-input-buffer-in-c-cplusplus Besides scanf() you can use getchar() https://www.tutorialspoint.com/c_standard_library/c_function_getchar.htm
  2. Krusty the Senile

    HTML & CSS image wont show up, shows up broken in CODEPEN, but shows up fine in browser or W3SCHOOLS

    Could have something to do with HTTPS. Looks like the first image is HTTP. https://blog.codepen.io/documentation/asset-hosting/ indicates towards the bottom of the page that they don't seem to approve of accessing HTTP assets from a HTTPS page.
  3. Krusty the Senile

    Python Why doesn't this output "three" as well?

    Since the second if condition is true, the following "elif" or "else" conditions will be ignored. Chained if statements (if -> elif -> elif -> elif -> else) executes when the statement/block of the first true condition and ignores the rest.
  4. Krusty the Senile

    C++ Having problems with a servo motor and thermistor.

    Would you know if the power supply to your Arduino and associated components is enough? Are you using a battery to power everything? Could you try with just the motor connected and the LCD disconnected? Maybe with the piezo disconnected too? Could you test the motor on its own with the Arduino...
  5. Krusty the Senile

    C++ Having problems with a servo motor and thermistor.

    Possible suggestion: int aboveEighteen = 0; void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin); // Read the value coming from the sensor - values are between 0 and 1023 voltageValue = (sensorValue) * (5000/1024); // Convert the value of...
  6. Krusty the Senile

    Run program without any thing installed?

    What programming language are you writing in? And I'm guessing this is all for Windows ... Depending on the language you're using and its requirements of the OS (Is it a graphical app? A HTML page app?) you can usually find something that will bundle your program with the necessary files, which...
  7. Krusty the Senile

    JavaScript FCC 25 + 5 clock project

    Sorry, I can't really provide you any feedback regarding your code. ReactJS and associated framework is on my TODO list. Coding and programming is one of those things that take time and practice. Please don't give up. We've all been in that situation where there's a problem that's stumped us...
  8. Krusty the Senile

    JavaScript FCC 25 + 5 clock project

    To start, I think the "simplest" way to check is to confirm that you're fulfilling the user stories mentioned in the challenge. In saying that, the challenge mentions 28 user stories but there are 29 tests. Unfortunately it looks like there's a mismatch. It looks like it's possible to add the...
  9. Krusty the Senile

    JavaScript FCC 25 + 5 clock project

    Can you paste the link to the FreeCodeCamp exercise here? I'd like to read the description on their site.
  10. Krusty the Senile

    Loops in processing

    Ah it looks like this is it: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/processing-for-windows/9wzdncrdcgp8 However I'm guessing that it's the same as Processing js: https://processing.org/ Maybe this link will help: https://processing.org/examples/loop.html
  11. Krusty the Senile

    C++ Class

    Do you still need help? If so, what do you need help with?
  12. Krusty the Senile

    New to coding, first project

    I think python is as good a place to start as any.
  13. Krusty the Senile

    C++ Class

    It's a start ... You can add public and private sections in your class declaration to declare what can and cannot be accessed from outside the class. You can add the function declarations from your question in the public section of the class declaration to indicate that they're accessible from...
  14. Krusty the Senile

    C++ Class

    What do you have so far?
  15. Krusty the Senile

    Python Having issues making a script that says your name.

    Put a space after the word "Hello" -> print("Hello " + name + "!")
  16. Krusty the Senile

    Python Python is doesn't run the code

    Looks like you have a turtle.py in the same folder as this python file (looks like it's on the desktop). Maybe rename the turtle.py that's on the desktop or move to a different location. I think the turtle you're looking to use is the one that comes with Python.
  17. Krusty the Senile

    HTML Linked-In Person Searcher

    I had a skim over the documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/shared/integrations/people/profile-api and there doesn't seem to be any specific search API that allows a search by name. The LinkedIn URL has a search format like...
  18. Krusty the Senile

    Java Cannot find symbol for constructor

    You're missing a semicolon at the end of the moveList declaration - usually that's enough to throw compilation out.
  19. Krusty the Senile

    Python python turtle graphics window not responding

    Looks like you need to at least put the turtle.listen() in the while loop. OR There is no condition which exits the while loop - you should add something to the while loop so that it exits.
  20. Krusty the Senile

    Java heap

    I'd like to see an attempt first.
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