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  1. KittenKatja

    JavaScript Anti-Anti-DevTools?

    I just wanna inspect this website and change the look with CSS using Stylus. (a script injector) Also, it seems like code is being run while debugger is active, which seems to contradict what debugger should be doing.
  2. KittenKatja

    JavaScript Is it me or the computer?

    I got addEventListener( "mousemove", () => { let x = event.screenX / 100 * window.innerWidth; let y = event.screenY / 100 * window.innerHeight; let a = document.documentElement.style; a.setProperty("--mouseX", x + "%"); a.setProperty("--mouseY", y...
  3. KittenKatja

    HTML & CSS Slide in and out

    I have a span element, with JS, I make it visible with "display: flex;" and insert source for the video or image element inside. The problem is that I can't accurately place it where I want it to be, or make it act with JS. I want to put it into the bottom right corner, regardless of how...
  4. KittenKatja

    JavaScript Syncing videos?

    I'd like to sync two videos. One is behind the other video and has the blur filter. Currently, ontimeupdate="if(this.currentTime == 0){let a = document.getElementById('background_blur');a.currentTime = 0;a.play()}" only works, if the video has sound, and is not muted. Would canvas safe some ram...
  5. KittenKatja

    Answered Add class on click?

    I'd like to add the class "clicked" to an <a> element on click. this.class.add('clicked') & this.classList.add('clicked') do not work. Bonus: I'd also like to know how to target all the children of an element.
  6. KittenKatja

    JavaScript Video controls

    These questions are related to one overarching topic (the title) and I'd like them all to be answered. (not hand-picked like my previous topics) How do I take the video/audio controls from the video/audio elements and put them somewhere else? I'd also like to write their values into a cookie...
  7. KittenKatja

    JavaScript I think I learned a lesson

    Lesson: Don't insert all the questions into one topic, regardless of how difficult or interesting it looks. I have been trying to edit classes of elements, but each time, I always get Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toggle') on 'remove', 'delete' and 'toggle'...
  8. KittenKatja

    JavaScript Noob tries cookies and video/audio

    It's been a while since I was last to Code Forum, mostly gone because I got ghosted. I got a local HTML file, where I want to set a cookie, which sets the last selected video as the background, so I don't always have to navigate to that button every time I reload it. I already coded that part...
  9. KittenKatja

    HTML & CSS Flexing on my start page

    I recently moved from using Stylus to inject stylesheets into websites, I go to very often, to make a personal HTML file. In it, I made a div column inside is x amount of row divs, and inside are two more divs title and list and inside the list are a bunch of links. I gave the first div {width...
  10. KittenKatja

    CSS How many cursor entries till the browser starts to lag?

    Hey there, Just as much I'd like to have added a background picture I wanted to have a cursor scale automatically to a smaller size since anything above 32x32 will get replaced by a backfall entry that has to be provided in order for the cursor to work at all. I extracted the cursor SVG from...
  11. KittenKatja

    CSS Make Stylus use local files?

    Hey there, I come back with another problem. I am using Stylus for a while now and restructured and changed the code for the Youtube CSS and added a background picture. Here's the problem, my current internet connection is very slow and I'd like to load the picture faster without slowing down...
  12. KittenKatja

    CSS I'm new here.

    Hello Code Forum, I found this forum for pressing questions, but I wanted to know a bit more about the forum before I ask them. (also googled it as bluntly as possible) I have tried to upload 2 pictures as my pfp, both times it failed, I have uMatrix off already before registering, so I don't...
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