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  1. N

    Add the value taken from the user to my range for ActiveX ComboBox

    Hi everyone, I defined a ActiveX ComboBox named "cmbPeymankar", a Text Box (ActiveX control) called "txtNewPeymankar". a Command Button (ActiveX control) called "Add". I have a table named "Table1" in sheet "DATA" so that the first column of Table1 contains the names that should be displayed...
  2. N

    Write a database program whose input various information

    Hi, I want to write a program whose input is the names of the companies and when adding the name of each company, it will take various information from that company of different types, 1- TextBox (daily production rate), 2- CheckBox (select product features), 3- OptionButton (the gender of the...
  3. N

    Python How to return position of Non-zero elements of a matrix in python

    Hi, I have for example this matrix: 1 0 -1 4 0 1 4 0 3 3 2 1 0 0 1 -1 by this code: for i in range(n): a =[] for j in range(n): a.append(int(input())) adjacency_matrix.append(a) Now, how to return position of Non-zero elements of adjacency_matrix in...
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