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  1. menator01

    Random Quote

    Gets a random quote from internet. Tkinter and python import requests import json import tkinter as tk root = tk.Tk() root.title('Random quote of the day') def get_quote(): frame = tk.Frame(root) frame.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='news', padx=1) url =...
  2. menator01

    Simple tkinter window using pygame sound mixer

    Simple tkinter window using images and pygame sound mixer. You will need to download or create a wav file and name it click.wav or edit accordingly. # Do the imports import tkinter as tk import pygame # Inialize pygame mixer pygame.mixer.init() root = tk.Tk() root.geometry('400x200+350+350')...
  3. menator01

    Color name and hex value from web

    Not posted in a while so, here is a quick tkinter app for getting a hex value for color. Enjoy. import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests class Data: ''' Data queries the web for color hex and names from the web parses the page and...
  4. menator01

    Simple pygame rain animation

    Little project was playing around with. You can download the image and sound files from github requires pillow # Do the imports import pygame import os from random import random, randint from PIL import Image # Initiate pygame pygame.init() # Path to executing script path =...
  5. menator01

    Pyqt6 Tutorial

    I started a python and pyqt6 tutorial on making a music player but, I have ran into a snag. PyQt6 has had an overhaul and I'm not able to get it to play any music files among a couple other library issues. Seems PyQt6 doesn't support openssl3 yet. So I'm going to rename the title to PyQt5 Music...
  6. menator01

    Shmup version 0.02

    Ive' finished a re-write of one of my old projects. I welcome all feedback. https://github.com/menator01/shmup2 Requirements: python 3.12 pygame 2.5.2 sqlite3
  7. menator01

    Number guessing with tkinter

    A simple number guessing games with tkinter. I wrote this code a while back practicing with tkinter ''' Tkinter Number Guessing Game Guess the random number between 1 and 100 ''' import tkinter as tk from random import randint class Model: ''' Model class handles comparison...
  8. menator01

    Simple pygame input box with cursor and character counter

    # Do the imports import pygame from time import time # Initiate pygame pygame.init() # Create the screen surface and window caption size = (1024, 720) screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size) pygame.display.set_caption('Pygame tester') # Set variable for clock clock = pygame.time.Clock() # Set...
  9. menator01

    PyQt5 Music Player

    Thought I would post a project from a while back. Requires: PyQt5 mutagen requests #! /usr/bin/env python3.9 # PtQt5 Music Player # Copyright (C) 2021 menator01 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as...
  10. menator01

    Tkinter rock paper scissors

    Here is a practice project I did a few years ago. Tkinter Rock Paper scissors. #! /usr/bin/env python3 # Do the imports import os import tkinter as tk from tkinter import messagebox from functools import partial import random as rnd # Used to close the register window without causing an...
  11. menator01

    GUI sub forum

    Not sure where to post request and do not really know if there are many if any request for a GUI section in the forum. So anyhow I would like to add a request for a GUI section. I am only familiar with python guis but, am sure that some of the other scripting languages have it as well. Thanks.
  12. menator01


    Anyone else have to do the captcha thing if the browser set to long? I usually bounce back and forth between several forums and if I take to long or don't refresh the browser in time, I have to redo captcha again.
  13. menator01


    Helping someone in another forum that is using idbm database calls and thought I would post the solution I came up with here, in case someone wants to take the project further or perhaps use as a learning experience. Note: It takes a minute to get the results back as there are multiple queries...
  14. menator01

    Simple tkinter login system

    Doesn't really do anything. Register a user, login a user, logout a user. displays a message for logged in users. import tkinter as tk import sqlite3 as sq import os import webbrowser from urllib.request import urlopen # Executed from bash shell or vscode - vscode is default path =...
  15. menator01

    Playing around with tkinter and background colors

    Changes background color every 3 seconds from dataclasses import dataclass, astuple import tkinter as tk from random import randint @dataclass class RGB: __slots__ = ['r','g','b'] r: int g: int b: int def __str__(self): return f'#%02x%02x%02x'.upper() %...
  16. menator01

    Tkinter Clock

    Haven't posted in a while so, here is a simple tkinter clock import tkinter as tk from time import strftime class Window: def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.label = tk.Label(parent, text='', bg='black', fg='red') self.label['highlightbackground']...
  17. menator01

    Python Number Hi-Low game.

    Been a while since posting so, I though I would get a number guessing game started and see if anyone wants to add to it. Change re-arrange or whatever needed. I've done several just thought I would try and get some kind of community group thing going. Sorry if I've posted this under the wrong...
  18. menator01

    pyqt6 weather app

    A weather app I wrote some time ago. Think it will only work in US as it gets the data from weather.gov. Could change the weather region and it will work but, not sure. I welcome any feedback. #! /usr/bin/env python3 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs import requests, json, re, sys from time...
  19. menator01


    Been a long time since I have messed with any php (version php5) and decided to redo my site gaming-rat. Would be great to get any feedback, suggestions, etc. The site is not fully functional yet, The only page showing data will be the rust link. Click R on the top menu and the rust on the left...
  20. menator01

    tkinter word guessing game/hangman

    Enjoy #! /usr/bin/env python3 # Do the imports import random as rnd import tkinter as tk from tkinter import messagebox import os import sys import requests class Stats: ''' Class for keeping stats ''' wins = 0 loss = 0 games = 0 tries = 0 remaining = 0 def...
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