New Coder
I'm writing an app that I want to release and I was under the false pretense that using % for width and height will make the UI look the same regardless of what resolution the screens are. How can I automatically scale my app's UI without the UI components changing position or location? The Emulators, the one on the left is my personal phone size (1080x1920), the one on the right is the one I'm testing everything on. I want my UI to look like the one on the right on all devices regardless of size. How can I achieve this.
The code I supplied is the styling of the gray area on both emulators
The code I supplied is the styling of the gray area on both emulators
root: {
width: width-20,
height: '65%',
backgroundColor: '#28272A',
alignSelf: 'center',
borderRadius: 15,
marginTop: 75,