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Customizing the Navigation Menu on Big Cartel?


New Coder
I'm looking to edit the navigation menu on my website and move some of the pages within a drop-down menu, so the 'shipping' and 'contact' pages are within a drop-down below the 'info' page - can anyone help with this please?

Here is a link to my website: www.wonkyjam.bigcartel.com

I've also included the code below too:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>{{ page.name }} | {{ store.name }}</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <link href="{{ theme | theme_css_url }}" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    {{ head_content }}
    <style>.preloader * { opacity: 0; }.transition-preloader * { transition: none !important }</style>
  <body id="{{ page.permalink }}" class="{{ page.category }} preloader transition-preloader">
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                  src="{{ theme.images.logo.url | constrain: '', logo_image_height_1x }}"
                  alt="{{ store.name }} Home"
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                <span class="cart-value" aria-hidden="true">{{ cart.item_count }}</span>
                <span class="visually-hidden">View cart</span>
                <span class="cart-num-items-hidden visually-hidden">{{ cart.item_count | pluralize: 'item', 'items' }}</span>
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        {% if theme.show_related_products %}
          {% assign current_id = product.id %}
          {% if product.categories != blank %}
            {% for category in product.categories limit: 2 %}
              {% capture product_divs %}
                {% for product in category.products limit: 10 %}
                  {% if product.id != current_id %}
                    {% assign image_width = product.image.width | times: 1.0 %}
                    {% assign image_height = product.image.height | times: 1.0 %}
                    {% assign aspect_ratio = image_width | divided_by: image_height %}
                    {% assign product_status = '' %}
                    {% case product.status %}
                      {% when 'active' %}
                        {% if product.on_sale %}{% assign product_status = 'On sale' %}{% endif %}
                      {% when 'sold-out' %}
                        {% assign product_status = 'Sold out' %}
                      {% when 'coming-soon' %}
                        {% assign product_status = 'Coming soon' %}
                    {% endcase %}
                    <div class="product-list-thumb {{ product.css_class }}">
                      <a class="product-list-link{% if product.images[1] != blank and theme.secondary_image_on_hover == true %} product-list-link--show-secondary{% endif %}" href="{{ product.url }}" title="View {{ product.name | escape }}">
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                            class="blur-up product-list-image product-list-image--primary lazyload grid-{{ theme.grid_image_style }}"
                            src="{{ product.image | product_image_url | constrain: 20 }}"
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                              {{ product.image | product_image_url | constrain: 240 }} 240w,
                              {{ product.image | product_image_url | constrain: 400 }} 400w,
                              {{ product.image | product_image_url | constrain: 600 }} 600w,
                              {{ product.image | product_image_url | constrain: 800 }} 800w,
                              {{ product.image | product_image_url | constrain: 960 }} 960w,
                              {{ product.image | product_image_url | constrain: 1200 }} 1200w
                          {% if product.images[1] != blank and theme.secondary_image_on_hover == true %}
                            {% assign image_width = product.image.width | times: 1.0 %}
                            {% assign image_height = product.image.height | times: 1.0 %}
                            {% assign aspect_ratio = image_width | divided_by: image_height %}
                              class="blur-up product-list-image product-list-image--secondary lazyload grid-{{ theme.grid_image_style }}"
                              src="{{ product.images[1] | product_image_url | constrain: 20 }}"
                              {% unless theme.grid_image_style == 'default' %}data-aspectratio="{{ aspect_ratio }}"{% endunless %}
                                {{ product.images[1] | product_image_url | constrain: 240 }} 240w,
                                {{ product.images[1] | product_image_url | constrain: 400 }} 400w,
                                {{ product.images[1] | product_image_url | constrain: 600 }} 600w,
                                {{ product.images[1] | product_image_url | constrain: 800 }} 800w,
                                {{ product.images[1] | product_image_url | constrain: 960 }} 960w,
                                {{ product.images[1] | product_image_url | constrain: 1200 }} 1200w
                          {% endif %}
                          {% if product_status != blank %}<div class="product-list-thumb-status">{{ product_status }}</div>{% endif %}
                        <div class="product-list-thumb-info">
                          <div class="product-list-thumb-name">{{ product.name }}</div>
                          <div class="product-list-thumb-price">
                            {% if product.variable_pricing %}
                              {{ product.min_price | money: theme.money_format }} - {{ product.max_price | money: theme.money_format }}
                            {% else %}
                              {{ product.default_price | money: theme.money_format }}
                            {% endif %}

                  {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}
              {% endcapture %}
            {% endfor %}
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