Working on a quiz app in Javascript and so everything is working except after I click on an answer I can keep clicking on the other answers.
How do I prevent/disable the all answers once a choice is made ?
In my loadQuestion function I add the question and possible answers, which there are 4, to the page.
Working on a quiz app in Javascript and so everything is working except after I click on an answer I can keep clicking on the other answers.
How do I prevent/disable the all answers once a choice is made ?
In my loadQuestion function I add the question and possible answers, which there are 4, to the page.
for (let i = 0; i < choices.length; i++)
const choiceElem = document.createElement('div');
let choiceText = choices[i];
choiceElem.textContent = choiceText;
clickHandle = ()=> checkAnswer(choiceText);
choiceElem.addEventListener('click', clickHandle);