Hello Coders!
My buddy of mine is having a troubles with a menu item where when you hover over it a drop down appears. But when you try to click on the drop down the drop down disappears.
I tried adding a delay but I don’t I’m doing it correctly.
[CODE lang="html" title="HTML"]
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<b class="block text-blue-dark font-bold">Rene Lalique</b>
<small class="block mt-1">glass_artist</small>
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<b class="block text-blue-dark font-bold">Glass printing</b>
<small class="block mt-1">Cause widespread panic</small>
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<b class="block text-blue-dark font-bold">Angel gliding </b>
<small class="block mt-1 ml-3">Start integrating products for our API</small>
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<b class="block text-blue-dark font-bold">Staklena umjetnost u 21. stoljeću</b>
<small class="block mt-1 ml-3">Official libraries for our API</small>
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<h1 class="text-purple text-lg uppercase">Polo «+» Mint «+»
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We've taken all the work out of provisioning and managing cloud servers so you can focus on things you do best: building awesome PHP applications and websites.
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We don't discriminate: Laravel, Symfony, Wordpress, Statamic, Craft, and any other PHP application can easily be installed on a Forge server.
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<span>Numerous Cloud Providers</span>
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<span>- Christian Bale -</span>
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<span>If only for today I was unafraid</span>
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Actors only sound intelligent when there's a good script writer around.
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<span>Snowy Linen Land</span>
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<span>Server Configuration</span>
[CODE lang="css" title="CSS"]html{background-color:}
.relative:hover { /* show menu */ }.
nav :hover > ,
nav :focus-within >,
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visibility: visible;
opacity: 1;
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/* Hide sub menu until parent menu item is hoverd */
.menu_item:not🙂hover) + .menu_item__sub_menu {
display: none;
CodePen link is here:
My buddy of mine is having a troubles with a menu item where when you hover over it a drop down appears. But when you try to click on the drop down the drop down disappears.
I tried adding a delay but I don’t I’m doing it correctly.
[CODE lang="html" title="HTML"]
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<small class="block mt-1">Measure actions users take</small>
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<b class="block text-blue-dark font-bold">Rene Lalique</b>
<small class="block mt-1">glass_artist</small>
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<b class="block text-blue-dark font-bold">Glass printing</b>
<small class="block mt-1">Cause widespread panic</small>
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<path d="M23 12c0 1.042-.154 2.045-.425 3h-2.101c.335-.94.526-1.947.526-3 0-4.962-4.037-9-9-9-1.706 0-3.296.484-4.655 1.314l1.858 2.686h-6.994l2.152-7 1.849 2.673c1.684-1.049 3.659-1.673 5.79-1.673 6.074 0 11 4.925 11 11zm-6.354 7.692c-1.357.826-2.944 1.308-4.646 1.308-4.962 0-9-4.038-9-9 0-1.053.191-2.06.525-3h-2.1c-.271.955-.425 1.958-.425 3 0 6.075 4.925 11 11 11 2.127 0 4.099-.621 5.78-1.667l1.853 2.667 2.152-6.989h-6.994l1.855 2.681z"></path>
<b class="block text-blue-dark font-bold">Automations</b>
<small class="block mt-1">Create your own custom rules</small>
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<b class="block text-blue-dark font-bold">Advanced Reports</b>
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We've taken all the work out of provisioning and managing cloud servers so you can focus on things you do best: building awesome PHP applications and websites.
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We don't discriminate: Laravel, Symfony, Wordpress, Statamic, Craft, and any other PHP application can easily be installed on a Forge server.
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<span>Numerous Cloud Providers</span>
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<span>- Christian Bale -</span>
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<span>If only for today I was unafraid</span>
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Actors only sound intelligent when there's a good script writer around.
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<span>Snowy Linen Land</span>
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<span>Server Configuration</span>
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