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HTML & CSS Drop-down menu item hover not working


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Code Plus
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Hello Coders!

My buddy of mine is having a troubles with a menu item where when you hover over it a drop down appears. But when you try to click on the drop down the drop down disappears.

I tried adding a delay but I don’t I’m doing it correctly.

[CODE lang="html" title="HTML"]
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<span>If only for today I was unafraid</span>
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Actors only sound intelligent when there's a good script writer around.

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<span>Snowy Linen Land</span>
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<span>Server Configuration</span>
[CODE lang="css" title="CSS"]html{background-color:}
.relative:hover { /* show menu */ }.

nav :hover > ,
nav :focus-within >,
nav :hover {
visibility: visible;
opacity: 1;
display: block;

/* Hide sub menu until parent menu item is hoverd */
.menu_item:not🙂hover) + .menu_item__sub_menu {
display: none;


CodePen link is here:
Last edited:
Hello Coders! I have found the solution to this problem by editing the CSS. But first a little explaining. I didn't notice this until after I fixed it but if you look at the original CSS you're stating that when .menu.item:not(:hover) is not being hovered over then you display: none. However, you also have in addition to that is + .menu_item__sub_menu to display none as well and would have caused the sub_menu to close. So you wouldn't be able to click any menu items.

[CODE lang="css" title="CSS: Original"].menu_item:not🙂hover) + .menu_item__sub_menu {
display: none;

Well first, so I figured that perhaps I could delay the effect of display none after you stop hovering the menu-item so you would have enough time to hover back onto the sub-menu. I did...
Hello Coders! I have found the solution to this problem by editing the CSS. But first a little explaining. I didn't notice this until after I fixed it but if you look at the original CSS you're stating that when .menu.item:not(:hover) is not being hovered over then you display: none. However, you also have in addition to that is + .menu_item__sub_menu to display none as well and would have caused the sub_menu to close. So you wouldn't be able to click any menu items.

[CODE lang="css" title="CSS: Original"].menu_item:not🙂hover) + .menu_item__sub_menu {
display: none;

Well first, so I figured that perhaps I could delay the effect of display none after you stop hovering the menu-item so you would have enough time to hover back onto the sub-menu. I did this by adding transition: opacity 2s ease-out; opacity: 0; and height: 0;. But that still doesn't fix the problem of the sub-menu from not disappearing, all we did was slowed down the process.

How I got around this was changing .menu_item__sub_menu to .menu_item__sub_menu:not(:hover) so when we're not hovering either the menu will slowly ease out. But, when you are hovering it will remain visible.

You can view the new CSS code below:
[CODE lang="css" title="CSS: NEW"].menu_item:not🙂hover) + .menu_item__sub_menu:not🙂hover) {
transition: opacity 2s ease-out;
opacity: 0;
height: 0;

I apologize if I confused anyone, I'm not too great at explaining as it took me a good 10mins to understand what happened lol. If I made any mistakes and or have any questions please don't hesitate to ask me! Help me, help you!

I used the following for some help: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3331353/transitions-on-the-display-property

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