-- Flashbang function
function flashbang(player, enemy)
-- Calculate distance between player and enemy
local distance = math.sqrt((player.x - enemy.x)^2 + (player.y - enemy.y)^2)
-- Adjust flash duration based on distance
local flashDuration = 3 - (distance / 10) -- Flash lasts longer if enemy is farther away
-- Simulate flash effect
enemy:blind(flashDuration) -- 'blind' function temporarily disables enemy's vision
-- Other effects (e.g., sound, particle effects) can be added here
-- Print feedback message
print("Flashbang deployed! Enemy blinded for " .. flashDuration .. " seconds.")
-- Example usage
local player = {x = 10, y = 10} -- Player's position
local enemy = {x = 20, y = 20} -- Enemy's position
flashbang(player, enemy)
--made for Martin911FBI900Ds