Hello there, and thanks for clicking on this post when there is an entire sea of other introduction posts and content you could have clicked on. But I can't promise mine would be any more interesting than others.
My name is Matt, I used the username AnderMedia because it is the website name that I am using to construct an IT presence for future endeavors. I am currently a student taking online courses to learn programming and other necessities for network infrastructure. I love to program PHP and Python, though my skills aren't incredibly proficient. It is easy for my to read code and fix bugged code, but for some reason when I sit down to begin writing my own original source code my mind goes blank. Hah. I think it is funny because I have always considered myself a creative person. But I think this will go away in time with more practice and exposure to the programming languages at large.
I wanted to extend a offer of free hosting to anyone who might want a server to experiment with their scripts. I am not doing any paid hosting packages. Simply giving away a bit of space to those trying to practice and improve their skills.
Thanks for having me and I look forward to seeing, learning and contributing as much as I can around the forum!
Kind regards, Matt
My name is Matt, I used the username AnderMedia because it is the website name that I am using to construct an IT presence for future endeavors. I am currently a student taking online courses to learn programming and other necessities for network infrastructure. I love to program PHP and Python, though my skills aren't incredibly proficient. It is easy for my to read code and fix bugged code, but for some reason when I sit down to begin writing my own original source code my mind goes blank. Hah. I think it is funny because I have always considered myself a creative person. But I think this will go away in time with more practice and exposure to the programming languages at large.
I wanted to extend a offer of free hosting to anyone who might want a server to experiment with their scripts. I am not doing any paid hosting packages. Simply giving away a bit of space to those trying to practice and improve their skills.
Thanks for having me and I look forward to seeing, learning and contributing as much as I can around the forum!
Kind regards, Matt