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How to change these arrays to Dynamic allocations


New Coder
//Stage D

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef enum
{ // declaring enum with assigning the prices as its integer constants
    Chicken = 15,
    Ham = 17,
    Vegie = 13
} BurgerTypes;
typedef struct
{ //delcaring struct for burger details
    int quantity;           
    BurgerTypes burgerType; 
typedef struct
{ // declaring struct for order details
    char receiptNo[6];                 
    float totalPrice;                   
    burger burgers;    //nested structure     
} order;

int i = 1, counter = 0;
order *orderArray=(order*)malloc(sizeof(order)); // declaring burger array with data type burger

void billAppend();
float calculateDiscount(float total, int quantity);
float calculateDiscount(float total, int quantity);
float calculateTotalPriceBurgers(char userChoice, int number);
float calculateTotalPriceMeals(char userChoice, int number);
float calcTotalRev(int index);

float totalRevenue = 0;

int main()
    int order = 0; // to store user's order type
    int amount;
    char choice; // to get burger choice
    int noOfSingleBurger = 0;
    bool addMore = true;
    char addChoice;

    while (order != 7)
        printf("\n\nWelcome to Tasty Burgers\n\n");

        printf("1. Order Meals\n");
        printf("2. Order Burgers\n");
        printf("3. Order Chips\n");
        printf("4. Order Cold Drinks\n");
        printf("5. Process Order\n");
        printf("6. Cancel\n");
        printf("7. Exit\n");
        printf("\nEnter your option : ");
        scanf("%d", &order);

        addMore = true;

        if (order == 1) // function related to ordering meals
            if (counter < 25)
            { // Gets input only if array is not full(<25).If not then error msg given in else condition.

                while (addMore)
                    printf("\nSelect the Meal Type\n\n");
                    printf("A - Big Chicken Meal - 20$\n");
                    printf("B - Big Ham Meal - 22$\n");
                    printf("C - Big Vegie Meal - 18$\n");
                    printf("X - To return Main Menu\n");

                    // prompting and input of burger type
                    printf("\nSelect your burger type: ");
                    scanf(" %c", &choice);

                    if (choice == 'A' || choice == 'a')
                        BurgerTypes price = Chicken;
                        orderArray[counter].burgers.burgerType = 1;
                        printf("You have selected Chicken Meal. How many meals you wish you order? : ");
                        scanf("%d", &amount);

                        orderArray[counter].totalPrice = orderArray[counter].totalPrice + calculateTotalPriceMeals(choice, amount);

                        printf("Your current bill value is $%.2f\n", orderArray[counter].totalPrice);

                        printf("Press “Y” to add more meals into your order or Press “X” to go back to previous menu : ");
                        scanf(" %c", &addChoice);


                        if (addChoice == 'Y' || addChoice == 'y')
                        else if (addChoice == 'X' || addChoice == 'x')
                            // go out from the current loop and generate the bill
                            addMore = false;
                    else if (choice == 'B' || choice == 'b')
                        BurgerTypes price = Ham;
                        orderArray[counter].burgers.burgerType = 1;
                        printf("You have selected Ham Meal. How many meals you wish you order? : ");
                        scanf("%d", &amount);

                        orderArray[counter].totalPrice = orderArray[counter].totalPrice + calculateTotalPriceMeals(choice, amount);
                        orderArray[counter].burgers.quantity = orderArray[counter].burgers.quantity + amount;

                        printf("Your current bill value is $%.2f\n", orderArray[counter].totalPrice);

                        printf("Press “Y” to add more meals into your order or Press “X” to process your order now : ");
                        scanf(" %c", &addChoice);

                        if (addChoice == 'Y' || addChoice == 'y')
                        else if (addChoice == 'X' || addChoice == 'x')
                            // go out from the current loop and generate the bill
                            addMore = false;
                    else if (choice == 'C' || choice == 'c')
                        BurgerTypes price = Chicken;
                        orderArray[counter].burgers.burgerType = 1;
                        printf("You have selected Vegie Meal. How many meals you wish you order? : ");
                        scanf("%d", &amount);

                        orderArray[counter].totalPrice = orderArray[counter].totalPrice + calculateTotalPriceMeals(choice, amount);
                        orderArray[counter].burgers.quantity = orderArray[counter].burgers.quantity + amount;

                        printf("Your current bill value is $%.2f\n", orderArray[counter].totalPrice);

                        printf("Press “Y” to add more burgers into your order or Press “X” to process your order now : ");
                        scanf(" %c", &addChoice);

                        if (addChoice == 'Y' || addChoice == 'y')
                        else if (addChoice == 'X' || addChoice == 'x')
                            // go out from the current loop and generate the bill
                            choice = 'X';
                            addMore = false;
                    else if (choice == 'X' || choice == 'x')
                        break; // exits from the current while loop
                if (choice == 'X' || choice == 'x')
                ; // goes back to the beginning of loop if x is entered
                printf("Orders queue is Full (Maximum 25 orders can be served at a time)");
                printf("\n<<Press Any Key to show the main meu >>\n\n"); // message given showing 25 orders are there and its full.
        else if (order == 2) // function related to the ordering burgers
        {                    // if option 1 is selected
            if (counter < 25)
            { // Gets input only if array is not full(<25).If not then error msg given in else condition.

                while (addMore)
                    printf("\nSelect the Burger Type\n\n");
                    printf("A - Chicken Burger - 15$\nB - Ham Burger - 17$\nC - Vegie Burger - 13$\nX - To return to Main Menu\n"); // printing the menu of available burger types

                    // prompting and input of burger type
                    printf("\nSelect your burger type: ");
                    scanf(" %c", &choice);

                    if (choice == 'A' || choice == 'a')
                        BurgerTypes price = Chicken;
                        orderArray[counter].burgers.burgerType = 1;
                        printf("You have selected Chicken Burger. How many burgers you wish you order? : ");
                        scanf("%d", &amount);

                        orderArray[counter].totalPrice = orderArray[counter].totalPrice + calculateTotalPriceBurgers(choice, amount);
                        orderArray[counter].burgers.quantity = orderArray[counter].burgers.quantity + amount;

                        printf("Your current bill value is $%.2f\n", orderArray[counter].totalPrice);

                        printf("Press \“Y\” to add more burgers into your order or Press \“N\” to process your order now : ");
                        scanf(" %c", &addChoice);


                        if (addChoice == 'Y' || addChoice == 'y')
                        else if (addChoice == 'N' || addChoice == 'n')
                            // go out from the current loop and generate the bill
                            addMore = false;
                    else if (choice == 'B' || choice == 'b')
                        BurgerTypes price = Ham;
                        orderArray[counter].burgers.burgerType = 1;
                        printf("You have selected Ham Burger. How many burgers you wish you order? : ");
                        scanf("%d", &amount);

                        orderArray[counter].totalPrice = orderArray[counter].totalPrice + calculateTotalPriceBurgers(choice, amount);
                        orderArray[counter].burgers.quantity = orderArray[counter].burgers.quantity + amount;

                        printf("Your current bill value is $%.2f\n", orderArray[counter].totalPrice);

                        printf("Press \“Y\” to add more burgers into your order or Press \“N\” to process your order now : ");
                        scanf(" %c", &addChoice);

                        if (addChoice == 'Y' || addChoice == 'y')
                        else if (addChoice == 'N' || addChoice == 'n')
                            // go out from the current loop and generate the bill
                            addMore = false;
                    else if (choice == 'C' || choice == 'c')
                        BurgerTypes price = Chicken;
                        orderArray[counter].burgers.burgerType = 1;
                        printf("You have selected Vegie Burger. How many burgers you wish you order? : ");
                        scanf("%d", &amount);

                        orderArray[counter].totalPrice = orderArray[counter].totalPrice + calculateTotalPriceBurgers(choice, amount);
                        orderArray[counter].burgers.quantity = orderArray[counter].burgers.quantity + amount;

                        printf("Your current bill value is $%.2f\n", orderArray[counter].totalPrice);

                        printf("Press \“Y\” to add more burgers into your order or Press \“N\” to process your order now : ");
                        scanf(" %c", &addChoice);

                        if (addChoice == 'Y' || addChoice == 'y')
                        else if (addChoice == 'N' || addChoice == 'n')
                            // go out from the current loop and generate the bill
                            addMore = false;
                    else if (choice == 'X' || choice == 'x')
                        break; // exits from the current while loop
                if (choice == 'X' || choice == 'x')
                ; // goes back to the beginning of loop if x is entered
                printf("Orders queue is Full (Maximum 25 orders can be served at a time)");
                printf("\n<<Press Any Key to show the main meu >>\n\n"); // message given showing 25 orders are there and its full.
        else if (order == 3) // function related to ordering chips
            if (counter < 25)
            { // Gets input only if array is not full(<25).If not then error msg given in else condition.

                printf("You have selected Chips. How many burgers you wish you order? : ");
                scanf("%d", &amount);

                orderArray[counter].totalPrice = orderArray[counter].totalPrice + (amount * 5);

                printf("Your current bill value is $%.2f\n", orderArray[counter].totalPrice);

                printf("Orders queue is Full (Maximum 25 orders can be served at a time)");
                printf("\n<<Press Any Key to show the main meu >>\n\n"); // message given showing 25 orders are there and its full.
        else if (order == 4) // function related to ordering chips
            if (counter < 25)
            { // Gets input only if array is not full(<25).If not then error msg given in else condition.

                printf("You have selected Cold Drinks. How many Cold Drinks you wish you order? : ");
                scanf("%d", &amount);

                orderArray[counter].totalPrice = orderArray[counter].totalPrice + (amount * 3.50);

                printf("Your current bill value is $%.2f\n", orderArray[counter].totalPrice);

                printf("Orders queue is Full (Maximum 25 orders can be served at a time)");
                printf("\n<<Press Any Key to show the main meu >>\n\n"); // message given showing 25 orders are there and its full.
        else if (order == 5)
            printf("\nYour total bill value is $%.2f\n", orderArray[counter].totalPrice); // print bill amount
            orderArray[counter].totalPrice = orderArray[counter].totalPrice - calculateDiscount(orderArray[counter].totalPrice, orderArray[counter].burgers.quantity);
            printf("Your final bill value is $%.2f\n", orderArray[counter].totalPrice);
            printf("Your receipt number is %s \n", orderArray[counter].receiptNo); // print receipt Number
            printf("Please go to a register and make the payment by quoting the Receipt Number - %s\n", orderArray[counter].receiptNo);
            i++;       // i value to find where the array pointer is
            counter++; // counter value to keep track how many orders are there
            printf("\n<<Press Any Key to show the main meu >>\n\n");
        else if (order == 6)

            char getReceipt[6]; // used to get user receipt number input
            int j, compare;     // compare used to get the output after comparing strings
            printf("Enter order number which you want to cancel : ");
            scanf("%s", getReceipt); // gets receipt from user
            for (j = 0; j < 25; j++) // loop to check the order Array for the receipt
                compare = strcmp(getReceipt, orderArray[j].receiptNo); // compare the two strings(output is 0 if both are same).Output stored in compare variable.
                if (compare == 0)                                      // if both strings are same
                    counter = counter - 1; // counter decremented as an order is cancelled.
                    int x = j;
                    for (x = j; x < 24; x++) // loop to shift other values in array to the left to take the deleted ones place
                        orderArray[x] = orderArray[x + 1];
                    printf("Your order has been cancelled. Thank you.\n");
            if (compare != 0)
                printf("Invalid Receipt Number\n"); // if user entered a receipt number that is not there
            printf("<<Press Any Key to show the main meu >>\n\n");
        else if (order == 7)
        { // when option 3 selected (exit option)
            printf("Thank you for choosing our services");
        else if (order == 9)
            char correctPass[] = "TastyBurger";
            char enteredPass[50];
            float tRev = 0;

            printf("Enter the Password : ");
            scanf("%s", enteredPass);

            if (strcmp(correctPass, enteredPass) == 0)
                printf("Password Accepted\n");
                totalRevenue = 0;
                tRev = calcTotalRev(0);
                printf("Total Revenue for today is : $%.2f\n", tRev);
                printf("\nInvalid Password\n");
                printf("<<Press Any Key to show the main meu >>");

    return 0;

void billAppend()
{                                           // function to appending the bill number to receipt array
    orderArray[counter].receiptNo[0] = 'B'; // moved these 3 from outside loop to inside the function
    orderArray[counter].receiptNo[1] = '0';
    orderArray[counter].receiptNo[2] = '0';
    if (i >= 10)
        orderArray[counter].receiptNo[3] = (i / 10) + '0';
        orderArray[counter].receiptNo[4] = (i % 10) + '0';
        orderArray[counter].receiptNo[5] = '\0';
        orderArray[counter].receiptNo[3] = (i) + '0';
        orderArray[counter].receiptNo[4] = '\0';

float calculateDiscount(float total, int quantity)
{ // function to print the discount

    float calculatedDiscount;

    if (total < 100)

        if (quantity >= 5)
            calculatedDiscount = total * 0.1;
            printf("Discount 10%% - $%.2f\n", calculatedDiscount);
            return calculatedDiscount;
            calculatedDiscount = 0.00;
            return calculatedDiscount;
    else if (total >= 100)
        calculatedDiscount = total * 0.15;
        printf("Discount 15%% - $%.2f\n", calculatedDiscount);
        return calculatedDiscount;

float calculateTotalPriceBurgers(char userChoice, int number) // function to calculate price

    if (userChoice == 'A' || userChoice == 'a')
        return 15 * number; // returns total after discount
    else if (userChoice == 'B' || userChoice == 'b')
        return 17 * number;
    else if (userChoice == 'C' || userChoice == 'c')
        return 13 * number;

float calculateTotalPriceMeals(char userChoice, int number) // function to calculate price

    if (userChoice == 'A' || userChoice == 'a')
        return 20 * number; // returns total after discount
    else if (userChoice == 'B' || userChoice == 'b')
        return 22 * number;
    else if (userChoice == 'C' || userChoice == 'c')
        return 18 * number;

float calcTotalRev(int index)
    if (index == 24)
        return totalRevenue;
    totalRevenue = +totalRevenue + orderArray[index].totalPrice;
    calcTotalRev(index + 1);
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