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I am currently translating a text from English to Polish. I have a file with translations of terms and right now I have lists (not in Python, just lists) of copy-paste translations terms. I decided it would be much easier to just run a Python script and do the copy-paste translations for me instead of doing the laborious tasks manually.
For some reason, when I try to use append Method to add Polish versions of terms to the list, I get a SyntaxError (in the place the dot is located).
The troublesome part looks like it:
The error I get is this:
I would appreciate help 🙂
I am currently translating a text from English to Polish. I have a file with translations of terms and right now I have lists (not in Python, just lists) of copy-paste translations terms. I decided it would be much easier to just run a Python script and do the copy-paste translations for me instead of doing the laborious tasks manually.
For some reason, when I try to use append Method to add Polish versions of terms to the list, I get a SyntaxError (in the place the dot is located).
The troublesome part looks like it:
final_list = list()
for item in trans_list:
for item2 in ENG_list_2:
if findingENGword(item2) == item:
global final_list.append(findingPOLword(item2)) #Error here!!!
The error I get is this:
File "E:\Personal Data\My Folders\RPG\Cypher System The Strange\Cypher System\SRD\GitHub\Nowe\CSRD-main\CSRD-main\(0) Dodatki\Python_abi_temp.py", line 50
global final_list.append(findingPOLword(item2))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I would appreciate help 🙂