New Coder
I want to put in a custom Player, So instead of "this.playerName"
to be me i want it to be a custom Ingame Name i put.
to be me i want it to be a custom Ingame Name i put.
const CustomRankSettings = require('./settings.js')
const {
} = require("../SettingsManager/SettingsManager");
class CustomRank {
constructor(player) {
this.playerName = player;
this.useCustomName = getSetting("Name Change Enabled");
this.customName = getSetting("Custom Name");
this.easyRankSwitchEnabled = getSetting("Easy Switch Enabled");
this.easyRankSwitchValue = getSetting("Easy Rank Switch");
this.freeTextValueRank = getSetting("Anything as Rank");
this.settingsUpdateInterval = 1;
getScoreboardValue(regex) {
const scLines = Scoreboard.getLines();
let retVal = undefined;
scLines.forEach(scLine => {
if (regex.test(scLine.getName())) {
retVal = scLine.getPoints();
return retVal;
updateSettings() {
this.useCustomName = getSetting("Name Change Enabled");
this.customName = getSetting("Custom Name");
this.easyRankSwitchEnabled = getSetting("Easy Switch Enabled");
this.easyRankSwitchValue = getSetting("Easy Rank Switch");
this.freeTextValueRank = getSetting("Anything as Rank");
getTabName() {
let tabName;
if (this.easyRankSwitchEnabled) {
tabName = this.easyRankSwitchValue;
tabName += this.useCustomName ? " " + this.customName : " " + this.playerName;
Player.setTabDisplayName(new TextComponent(tabName));
} else {
tabName = this.freeTextValueRank;
tabName += this.useCustomName ? " " + this.customName : " " + this.playerName;
Player.setTabDisplayName(new TextComponent(tabName));
return tabName;
getChangedMessage(msg) {
const customName = this.useCustomName ? this.customName : this.playerName;
if (new RegExp("\[[A-Za-z&0-9\+]+\] " + this.playerName, "g").test(msg)) {
// Message contains one of Hypixel's ranks and name
msg = msg.replace(new RegExp("\[[A-Za-z&0-9\+]+\] " + this.playerName), this.easyRankSwitchEnabled ? this.easyRankSwitchValue + " " + customName : this.freeTextValueRank + " " + customName);
} else if (new RegExp("(&r&7|&7)" + this.playerName).test(msg)) {
// Replacer for players with no rank.
msg = msg.replace(new RegExp("(&r&7|&7)" + this.playerName), this.easyRankSwitchEnabled ? this.easyRankSwitchValue + " " + customName : this.freeTextValueRank + " " + customName);
} else {
const lastFormat = (this.easyRankSwitchEnabled ? /[&a-f0-9rblomn]{2}/.exec(this.easyRankSwitchValue) : /[&a-f0-9rblomn]{2}/.exec(this.freeTextValueRank))[/[&a-f0-9rblomn]{2}/.exec(this.freeTextValueRank).length - 1];
msg = msg.replace(new RegExp("[a-f0-9&]{2}" + this.playerName), lastFormat + this.playerName);
return msg;
renderScoreboard() {
if (!getSetting("Custom Rank Enabled"))
const setTextScore = this.easyRankSwitchEnabled ? this.easyRankSwitchValue.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replaceAll("&", "§") : this.freeTextValueRank.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replaceAll("&", "§");
const scLine = this.getScoreboardValue(/Rank: .+/);
if (scLine != undefined)
Scoreboard.setLine(scLine, "Rank: " + setTextScore, true);
changeMessage(event) {
if (!getSetting("Custom Rank Enabled"))
const msg = this.getChangedMessage(ChatLib.getChatMessage(event, true));
setTabName() {
if (!getSetting("Custom Rank Enabled"))
const tabName = this.getTabName();
Player.setTabDisplayName(new TextComponent(tabName));
settingsUpdater() {
registerTriggers() {
register('command', () =>'crank');
register('renderPlayerList', this.setTabName.bind(this));
register('renderOverlay', this.renderScoreboard.bind(this));
register('chat', this.changeMessage.bind(this)).setChatCriteria(this.playerName).setParameter('contains');
register('step', this.settingsUpdater.bind(this)).setDelay(this.settingsUpdateInterval);
const customRank = new CustomRank(Player.getName());
String.prototype.replaceAll = function (find, replace) {
const str = this;
return str.replace(new RegExp(find.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'), 'g'), replace);
function getSetting(whatSetting) {
return CustomRankSettings.getSetting("CustomRank", whatSetting);