New Coder
At this stage in the process the customer’s vehicle is sent to one of the available mechanics on dutyfor a preliminary assessment.assessVehicle: CustomerRegister, CID, SCL -> HHMMDuring this preliminary assessment, the mechanic will take into consideration some key factors thatwill affect the price of the service. The customer would have already indicated what the limit is thatthey are willing to pay (Pay Limit - PL). If the cost of the servicing goes over that limit by more than5%, the mechanic’s assessment cost should make a note on the register but remove the lowest costsfrom the list until it is within that 5% threshold.There is a servicing cost list which denotes the general cost for certain tasks or jobs to be done on avehicle based on the make (MK) of the vehicle. The servicing cost list is of the format🙁"CL", ([Mk, (FH, ET), (TC, ET), (ShT, ET)]))The servicing cost list is a tagged tuple with two elements; the first element is a tag "CL", andthe second element is a tuple of lists of servicing costs per each make of vehicle:• Mk – Make of Vehicle• FH – Full house check cost (float)• TC – Tyre Change cost (float)• ShT – shocks test cost (float)• ET – Estimated time for the service activity.Write a function assessVehicle()that accepts a customer register, customer Id and a servicingcost list as parameters, updates service cost and the estimated time for servicing in the customerrecord that matches the given customer Id, and returns the estimated pickup time HHMM as a stringin 24-hour format• If the vehicle is more than five years old and the make (Mk) is not a Benz, then the mechanicwill have to do a full house check.• A mileage over 100,000 will incur a shocks test if a full house is not being done.• Tyres will need to be changed if the last service date is more than 10 months ago.The estimated pickup time is five (5) minutes before the calculated time between the customer’sarrival time and service time.
This is the code up to part 3 but I can't solve part 4:
This is the code up to part 3 but I can't solve part 4:
import math
import os
import random
import re
import sys
# PART 1 - Implement Customer Register ADT
# Constructor
def makeCustomerRegister():
return ("CR", [])
# Selector to get contents of the register
def contents(cr):
if isCustomerRegister(cr):
return cr[1]
raise ValueError("Invalid Customer Register provided")
# Mutator to add a customer to the register
def addCustomer(custRec, cr):
if isCustomerRegister(cr):
raise ValueError("Invalid Customer Register provided")
# Mutator to remove a customer from the register by their customer ID
def removeCustomer(cid, cr):
if isCustomerRegister(cr):
cr[1] = [record for record in cr[1] if record[0] != cid]
raise ValueError("Invalid Customer Register provided")
# Predicate to check if an object is a valid Customer Register
def isCustomerRegister(cr):
return isinstance(cr, tuple) and len(cr) == 2 and cr[0] == "CR" and isinstance(cr[1], list)
# Predicate to check if the Customer Register is empty
def isEmpty(cr):
if isCustomerRegister(cr):
return len(cr[1]) == 0
raise ValueError("Invalid Customer Register provided")
# Part 2: Define Functions to Sign Up A New Customer
def generateCId(cName, cr, platinum=False):
first_initial = cName[0][0].upper()
last_initial = cName[1][0].upper()
ascii_sum = ord(first_initial) + ord(last_initial)
prefix = "PC" if platinum else "NC"
cid = f"{prefix}{ascii_sum}"
existing_cids = [cust[0] for cust in contents(cr)]
while cid in existing_cids:
ascii_sum += 1
cid = f"{prefix}{ascii_sum}"
return cid
def makeCustomerRecord(cid, hh, mm):
return [
cid, # Customer ID
(hh, mm), # Arrival Time (HH, MM)
-1, # Service time (not assessed yet, so set to -1)
[] # Vehicle information (empty list, will be updated later)
# Update Functions
def updateVehicle(vhcl, custRec):
custRec[3] = vhcl
def updateServiceTime(serviceTime, custRec):
custRec[2] = serviceTime
def updateServiceCost(serviceCost, custRec):
if custRec[3]:
custRec[3][-1] = serviceCost
# Selector Functions for accessing customer record details
def getCID(custRec):
return custRec[0]
def getArivalTime(custRec):
hh, mm = custRec[1]
return f"{hh:02}{mm:02}"
def getServiceTime(custRec):
return custRec[2]
def getCustType(custRec):
return "PC" if custRec[0].startswith("PC") else "NC"
def getVehicle(custRec):
return custRec[3]
# Part 3: Adding Vehicle Information
def addVehicle(custReg, cid, pl, mk, md, y, ml, lsd):
Adds vehicle information to a customer record in the Customer Register.
:param custReg: The existing Customer Register.
:param cid: Customer ID to locate the record.
:param pl: Pay Limit.
:param mk: Make of the vehicle.
:param md: Model of the vehicle.
:param y: Year of the vehicle.
:param ml: Mileage on the vehicle.
:param lsd: Last service date in months.
:return: Updates Customer Register with vehicle info added to the corresponding customer.
for custRec in contents(custReg):
if getCID(custRec) == cid:
vehicle_info = [pl, (mk, md, y), ml, lsd, 0]
updateVehicle(vehicle_info, custRec)
# Main Program
if __name__ == '__main__':
no_of_customers = int(input())
custReg = makeCustomerRegister()
for i in range(no_of_customers):
customer_info = input().strip().split(' ')
if isCustomerRegister(custReg):
# Check if the customer is Platinum based on the original ID
platinum = customer_info[0][0] == "P"
# Create the customer record directly using parsed information
(int(customer_info[3]), int(customer_info[4])),
(customer_info[6], customer_info[7], customer_info[8]),
# Use addVehicle to update the vehicle information, including adjusting mileage
int(customer_info[9]) + 5, # Update mileage by adding 5
# Print the remaining customers in the register
for cust in contents(custReg):