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Small project ideas


Silver Coder
Hey there.

I've been away from programming for a ridiculously long time now and only now am I trying to get back into it - it's quite hard though. I'd like some projects to do in the meantime to help me get back into the swing of things.

I don't want basic things(e.g. calculator, guess the number, etc), but rather stuff that might be useful or just fun to use and experiment with. All ideas are appreciated.

Here's my 2 cents.

only now am I trying to get back into it

Perhaps identify why you are getting back into it. Then use that as a catalyst for identifying your projects. If you're getting back into it so that you can be employed, for example, then you might want to concentrate on developing business apps.

it's quite hard though.

If you are only going to be developing apps for yourself maybe try a Basic programming language. For example:

Xojo, B4J or Gambas.

Maybe part of the reason it's "quite hard" is because you haven't identified a project to work on and therefore there is less motivation to learn. But, once you've found a project that excites you, it should become easier because you're more motivated to complete that project. And you might even be able to do that project using a more complex language. For example:

C#, Python or Swift.

You also may like to check out this website:


Good luck!
Regy said:
Perhaps identify why you are getting back into it. Then use that as a catalyst for identifying your projects. If you're getting back into it so that you can be employed, for example, then you might want to concentrate on developing business apps.
I haven't thought about the why much. My only "why" is because I've always enjoyed programming and I see it as a useful skill that needs to be kept sharp.

Regy said:
Maybe part of the reason it's "quite hard" is because you haven't identified a project to work on and therefore there is less motivation to learn. But, once you've found a project that excites you, it should become easier because you're more motivated to complete that project. And you might even be able to do that project using a more complex language.
Maybe this is the reason. The struggle is also trying to find a project that does excite me. A website? A game? A utility? There's lots to do but the choice is overwhelming.

simong1993 said:
Welcome back 😀 what are you coding in

The language isn't my problem. I'm fine with any language, mainly C and Python, so anything that works well with those languages would be best. But, I want the idea first, the language second.
*Pulls out list of tasks*

What about a speed monitor, so you know internet company's must stick to a speed. I at some point want to build a script that every hour takes speedtest.net figures and adds then to a excel sheet but i might do a database.

Email scraper is fun, i build them just because 😀
simong1993 said:
What about a speed monitor, so you know internet company's must stick to a speed. I at some point want to build a script that every hour takes speedtest.net figures and adds then to a excel sheet but i might do a database.
Unfortunately, I don't know much about networking so this is way out of my league. Maybe I should've specified in my original post what sort of stuff I can't do.

simong1993 said:
Email scraper is fun, i build them just because
I've been thinking about scrapers and that for a while now but have never looked into them. Maybe I will now, seeing as you mentioned it.

Also a bit off-topic, but after reading this thread, I regained a bit of interest in the RPi. However, I may just pickup a Zero or Pico, and do a headless installation. What sort of stuff could I do with a headless RPi?(aside from it being a separate computer connected to my main one)
You could run a SQL server from it, Python scripts, websites, If you have a 3d printer that could run it. i think we need a section dedicated to RPI's 😀
I use mine to run PythonScripts using ubuntu and my printer and ill have one running the automated house and lawn mower soon 😀
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simong1993 said:
i think we need a section dedicated to RPI's
I think this would be a good board to have, but I don't think there is enough interest(on this site anyway - the RPi community itself is huge) to warrant a new board. I do believe @Malcolm has a specific criteria for boards to be added, so if the criteria is met, then we probably could have it. You're a staff member though, so why don't you discuss it with him?

simong1993 said:
You could run a SQL server from it, Python scripts, websites, If you have a 3d printer that could run it.
I like the sound of all of these. As I've said, I've been interested in the Pi for a while now, and I even planned to get one at one point but decided to miss it out.

Would a Zero (W) be good enough for some of the tasks you listed or should I go for a different model(e.g. 3A+, 4, etc.) I do actually remember reading some issues about a certain Pi board when it was launched(pretty sure it was the 4) but I think by now they would've fixed those issues.
Bumping this thread to see if anyone else may have any other ideas. I toyed around with a text-based simulation for a while, but I lost interest in it once the code became messy - I've thought about rewriting it using OOP principles though.

Any ideas, anyone?
Have you created your own personal website? A site to explain what your skills are, the projects you have completed, the education you have (whether paid or free doesn't matter), your hobbies outside of programming/developing. Something you can continuously go back to and update as you grow your experience.
Have you created your own personal website? A site to explain what your skills are, the projects you have completed, the education you have (whether paid or free doesn't matter), your hobbies outside of programming/developing. Something you can continuously go back to and update as you grow your experience.
I always like playing about with small websites like these, but as I stated in my original post, I'm looking to start small but not basic.

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