Does anyone have any experience making a sveltekit SPA into a mobile application and can warn me of any pitfalls?
Am I dreaming that I can get this to work?
I am building a Sveltekit application that will (hopefully end as a const ssr=false; single page application.
It is a front end that calls to my laravel 11 API which I used as the API instead of sveltekit built in node end point functionality to more easily work with tokens and authenticated requests etc. I found laravel to be super fun and straight forward.
Am I dreaming that I can get this to work?
I am building a Sveltekit application that will (hopefully end as a const ssr=false; single page application.
It is a front end that calls to my laravel 11 API which I used as the API instead of sveltekit built in node end point functionality to more easily work with tokens and authenticated requests etc. I found laravel to be super fun and straight forward.