Hello friends:
I was fascinated with the website www.amaliyaFoundation.com. When I looked at the source code, it refers .php files as well. I am trying with what I know. I have attached my code. Right now, I am struggling with having to show the text inside the images. I used the guidance of How To Position Text Over an Image. To position the three circles the way it was, it required position:absolute. To overcome this, I am using
transform: translate(155px, 150px); . Unless, I moved the cursor to the image, it doesn't show my text. I tried only with first image to the left. I am sure that you guys may know a way to force it to show. Thanks for all the inputs.
I was fascinated with the website www.amaliyaFoundation.com. When I looked at the source code, it refers .php files as well. I am trying with what I know. I have attached my code. Right now, I am struggling with having to show the text inside the images. I used the guidance of How To Position Text Over an Image. To position the three circles the way it was, it required position:absolute. To overcome this, I am using
transform: translate(155px, 150px); . Unless, I moved the cursor to the image, it doesn't show my text. I tried only with first image to the left. I am sure that you guys may know a way to force it to show. Thanks for all the inputs.
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<div class="home_bott_header floatleft">Fulfilling the promise</div>
<div class="home_bott_cont floatleft">The Amaliya Foundation works to advance two basic principles:<br /><br />
<img src="bullet1.png" border="0" />All people deserve to live with dignity.<br />
<img src="bullet1.png" border="0" />All people are able to contribute meaningfully to society
and must be given the means and opportunity to do so.
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We believe that education is the key to unlocking the full potential of each and every individual. It helps
a person to make sense of the world and to find an active role in society, whether young, old or differently-abled. <br/><br/><br/>
<span>The Amaliya Foundation has been established to develop and implement a series of innovative programmes
centred around education. They target certain segments of the population – in particular the youth,
the differently-abled and the elderly. </span>
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