I have a table (named Products) in the database (named MyData) that have the following columns:
My goal is to write a web page using ASP.NET Core that shows the table above and by selecting the desired product, assigning other parameters, such as length, width, information, ..., and can save that in another table called NewInfo:
And, it is possible to clear or edit the row of it.
I am a little familiar with coding in C#, but I don't know about ASP.NET Core.
I consulted with different people; The result is:
Do that with ASP.NET Core 6 technology,
Do not use ASP.NET MVC, or ASP.NET Razor Page because of the old technology,
I searched a lot on the Internet to find a template to work on it, but I found codes that are part of a large project and I can't understand the relationship between different parts.
I need guidance in doing this.
ID | ProductCode | Group
001 | Product1 | fp
002 | Product2 | e
003 | Product3 | e
004 | Product4 | FP
005 | Product5 | e
My goal is to write a web page using ASP.NET Core that shows the table above and by selecting the desired product, assigning other parameters, such as length, width, information, ..., and can save that in another table called NewInfo:
ID | L | W | Description
001 | 3.2 | 23 | TestTestTest
003 | 2.1 | 2.55 | TestTestTest
004 | 10.34 | 1.222 | TestTestTest
005 | 11 | 9 | TestTestTest
And, it is possible to clear or edit the row of it.
I am a little familiar with coding in C#, but I don't know about ASP.NET Core.
I consulted with different people; The result is:
Do that with ASP.NET Core 6 technology,
Do not use ASP.NET MVC, or ASP.NET Razor Page because of the old technology,
I searched a lot on the Internet to find a template to work on it, but I found codes that are part of a large project and I can't understand the relationship between different parts.
I need guidance in doing this.