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Recent content by Wes.

  1. W

    HTML & CSS @mediaprint is shrinking the page

    I am using @mediaprint to prevent unwanted printing of some elements on my page. I have a div on the left which I want to be printed and a div to the right of that which I dont want to be printed. The problem is that the combined width of the two divs is more than the width of an A4 sheet. I...
  2. W

    PHP Screen does not refresh until all emails sent

    Thanks for that very clear reply, I can understand whats happening now. I had no idea it would be that complicated so I think I will just forget it. Thanks!
  3. W

    PHP Screen does not refresh until all emails sent

    Thanks but that seems like a big sledgehammer to crack a very small nut? 😅 I'm intrigued as to why the code seems unwilling to display anything until it has completed ALL the emailing?
  4. W

    PHP Screen does not refresh until all emails sent

    I am sending the same emails to a number of members. As there are quite a lot of them the process takes a while and I want to show some sort of progress indicator on the screen while it is going on. I have devised a very simple indicator in which another dot is added to the text every time an...
  5. W

    PHP Scandir error

    Thanks for your reply. I have already tried that, along with a number of other suggestions I have found with a Google search. None of them work, thats what is so baffling about this, scandir just doesnt want to go back one directory for some reason. At the moment I have moved the file to the...
  6. W

    PHP Scandir error

    I am trying to use scandir to find files and folders in a directory. The directory containing the code is 'mobile' while the directory containing the sub directories to be scanned is called 'downloads', they are both inside another directory called 'BOLDzBRASS' which is in the root directory...
  7. W

    JavaScript calling a js popover from a button on a bs popup

    Hello all. I have a bs popup with two buttons. One allows the user to stay on the page if necessary, while the other allows the user to leave the page if certain criteria are met. This button calls a js function which examines the criteria and directs the code accordingly. If the criteria are...
  8. W

    PHP New to php, help needed!

    Aha! I failed to notice the dictum that the setcookie() function must appear BEFORE the <html> tag. Silly me!, although I am somewhat encouraged by the fact that this rule is not adhered to in W3 schools own example, which is no doubt, the reason why it doesn't work...
  9. W

    PHP New to php, help needed!

    And further still... I have tried to set a cookie in my code but I am still getting the same response. Here is my code: $cookie_name = "item_name"; $cookie_value = "TRM FOR TESTING"; //$name; //setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, time() + (86400 * 30)...
  10. W

    PHP New to php, help needed!

    Further to my earlier reply, just tried it on my smartphone and got the same response, maybe it's a problem at their end, anyway I'll have a go at incorporating cookies into my code and let you know how I get on.
  11. W

    PHP New to php, help needed!

    Hi, thank you for your swift response! It certainly looks as if Cookies might do the trick. I've looked at the link, however when I try the examples they provide I get this: "Cookie named 'user' is not set! Note: You might have to reload the page to see the value of the cookie." Reloading the...
  12. W

    PHP New to php, help needed!

    Hello. I am re-writing a Classic ASP website in PHP, which I am new to, but learning fast. I have got a long way with the project but I have now hit a problem which I have been trying to overcome for some days, but everything I try seems to run into a brick wall. It's like this... I have a...
  13. W

    HTML html audio control cant find .mp3 in folder

    Certainly will, thank you.
  14. W

    HTML html audio control cant find .mp3 in folder

    Solved! I just needed to start the url with "http://" Thanks for your help anyway ;)
  15. W

    HTML html audio control cant find .mp3 in folder

    Yes. Actually if I just leave out the variables and type the path in longhand it still doesn't work.
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