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  1. skifli

    Portfolio Website Feedback

    I just finished re-writing my portfolio website, and I would love some feedback on the UI and whether it is cumbersome to use or not. It is meant to behave a bit like an OS, with windows that can be resized / moved / closed, etc. I wrote it entirely in plain HTML, CSS, and JS without any...
  2. skifli

    Python Feedback on snake game.

    Hey, For fun I challenged myself to make a snake game in Python entirely in the console without any external libraries (apart from `colorama` and `pynput`). I was wondering if anyone might have any feedback on the game's code, specifically in ways to simplify the code. The code isn't that well...
  3. skifli

    C Feedback on hash table implementation.

    As C programmers will know, C doesn't have a implementation for dictionaries, and so you have to implement your own using hash maps. I am new to C, and created a hash map implementation, and would be grateful for any feedback. The program also uses a custom list implementation to allow easy...
  4. skifli

    JavaScript File Uploads

    Dear CF, What libraries are good for handling file uploads using JS? I am trying to make a file upload server that does not use PHP. Any code snippets would be appreciated.
  5. skifli

    Python Help with screen recording code.

    I have the following code to record a screen in Python. However, the video generated is much faster than the record speed. Does anyone know how to slow the recording speed down? from cv2 import VideoWriter, VideoWriter_fourcc, namedWindow, WINDOW_NORMAL, cvtColor, COLOR_BGR2RGB, imshow...
  6. skifli

    Python Feedback on a program I made.

    Hi CF, I would like to ask for feedback on a project of mine I made in Python & PHP. It is a program that allows you to wirelessly share files with other devices on your network. Any device that can access the webpage for the server can upload and downloads files. Github...
  7. skifli

    Python Expected type 'Sized', got 'int' instead

    Hi. I'm coding a hangman game in Python & I've been getting an error that I can't figure out how to get rid off. Basically, after I take the user's letter, I create a counter that goes from 0 to the length of the word. However, since Python uses the number 0 first, instead of 1, I have to do the...
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