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  1. S

    Python How to import and use a module from another Python program online?

    Hi All I'm learning Python. I have created a typical sample module online (specifically on repl.it): # Python Module example def add(a, b): """ This program adds two numbers and returns the result. """ return a + b Here, the module file name is example.py, the module is named...
  2. S

    HTML & CSS Why does an <img> within a <div> display a narrow gap at the bottom?

    Hi All I have placed an <img> within a <div>. Here's the HTML: <div class="box"> <img class="height200" src="https://picsum.photos/200/200?random=1"> </div> Here's the CSS: .box { display: inline-block; margin: 20px...
  3. S

    HTML & CSS Why does an image break its layout if the image is not found?

    I am displaying a box (.box class) within which 2 cards (.card class) are present. The requirements are as follows: 1) The box has the same height as the cards. 2) The cards are required to be displayed at the extreme left and right ends of the box, on the same row. Within each .card object...
  4. S

    Hi All

    Hi I'm new here. Just saying hello. I'm a Software professional. I am interested in web technologies: HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, Python. Also interested in DB technologies. Steven
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