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  1. zerojjc

    JavaScript Change background image of play/pause button with jquery

    I've tried doing this to swap the class, but it didn't work: $('.video').parent().click(function () { if($(this).children(".video").get(0).paused){ $(this).children(".video").get(0).play(); $(this).children(".playpause").toggleClass('.playpause .playpause2'); }else{...
  2. zerojjc

    JavaScript Change background image of play/pause button with jquery

    Correct! This already loads the background image: background-image:url(http://png-4.findicons.com/files/icons/2315/default_icon/256/media_play_pause_resume.png); And I would like to change that image based on that state please.
  3. zerojjc

    JavaScript Change background image of play/pause button with jquery

    I used the Jfiddle below to setup a button that would play/pause a background video. However, I need to swap the background image so that when its playing a "pause image" is there, when paused a "play image" is there. https://jsfiddle.net/svArtist/9ewogtwL/ $('.video').parent().click(function...
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