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  1. L0L2G00D

    JavaScript How do I get this program to work the way I want it to? Think of prompt as both console.log & user input.

    //can be run in chrome/edge console. const QnA = { 0:`What number do you count first in coding?`, answer0:`0`, 1:`Jeff Bezos is CEO and President of which online retailer?`, answer1:`amazon`, 2:`Which social media app only lets you view pictures and messages for a limited time?`...
  2. L0L2G00D

    JavaScript How download compatibility Prompt() in Visual Studio Code?

    A few of my friends want me to use Vs code instead of repl.it, but the project I am working on currently uses the Prompt() and Vs throws an error saying Prompt isn't defined. Is there any way to add compatibility because Vs looks better and more accessible than Replit? This is using the...
  3. L0L2G00D

    JavaScript Help with a problem?

    is there any way to figure out if an answer contains a part of pi? let fakePi = 3 fakePi.isPi = true let fakePi = 3.1 fakePi.isPi = true let fakePi = 3.14 fakePi.isPi = true let fakePi = 3.142 fakePi.isPi = false let fakePi = 3.141 fakePi.isPi = true
  4. L0L2G00D

    JavaScript Is there any way to get an equation out of a string?

    let equation = prompt("equation?") equation = "5+5" equation = "1-3" equation = "7/3" any ideas? it all needs to be in the same string for the application I might use it for.
  5. L0L2G00D

    How do you delete threads?

    // Code asking for name & checking for numbers let nam = prompt("What would you like to be called?"); while (l == 0) { if (isNaN(+nam) !== true) { if (nam === '69' || nam === '420') { console.log(`( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), We don't call people numbers, such as "${nam}" `); nam =...
  6. L0L2G00D

    How do you make a welcoming post on your profile?

    This is a suggestion because you should leave this question here because surely I'm not the only one who doesn't know how to make a welcoming post.
  7. L0L2G00D

    JavaScript Easier way to if/or?

    I am making a game in javascript, and was wondering If there was an easier way to check for multiple answers https://replit.com/@L0L2G00D/Quiz-Game#index.js answer = prompt(_Name + "?"); if(answer === 'y' || answer === 'Y' || answer === 'Yes' || answer === 'yes' || answer === 'Ye' || answer...
  8. L0L2G00D


    I'm making a game in Javascript. https://replit.com/@L0L2G00D/Quiz-Game#index.js
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