Spring Cloud Docker - Cannot access any service through api gateway and Cannot access any service itself
I have a problem about accessing any service through api gateway.
Here is the properties file of api-gateway
For instance, I tried to access user service through api gateway, I...
I have a problem in my Spring Cloud Example running in Docker.
I cannot fetch all properties file from config server.
How can I do that?
I only fetched 4 properties file (advertisement service, user service, api gateway and report service) while other properties file(eureka server and...
I'm trying to implement an example of **Spring Cloud** with its all services running in **Docker**.
I cannot register any service to **eureka server** as **eureka server** throws a connection issue in **Docker**.
When I show the **logs** of **eureka server** through this command (**docker...
I have problem on Docker side.
When I run docker-compose,
1) Keycloak,rabbitmq,mysql and config server are running.
2) Here is my error in Eureka Server
```Connect Timeout Exception on Url - http://configserver:9191/. Will be trying the next u
rl if available
2022-08-17 11:39:08.699 WARN 1...
I have a problem about running docker-compose file through this command (`docker-compose up -d`).
After running the command, I noticed that 3 services (**advertisement service, user service and lastly report service**) cannot run. It throws an error when I try to see logs in each services...
I tried to implement an **example** of **Spring Boot Microservice** examples.
I have a problem in **docker-compose** file.
**Eureka server** and **api gateways** throws an **issue** defined below while there is no issue in config server.
Here is the issue ...