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  1. 8

    Python how to grouping/merge rows in to single row

    Greetings! Actually, I converted the PDF file containing the tables into a Pandas dataframe and then into Excel. Some cells in a PDF document contain multiline text. I've previously converted PDFs into a Pandas dataframe and then into Excel, but in those PDFs, the cells with multiline text had...
  2. K

    Python How to send data frame to another neural net in flask route

    So, I have flask app with py-cicflowmeter. Purpose - detection of network attacks. According to my idea, two neural networks are used. The first is a fast binary LSTM classifier, and the second is a slow multiclass KNN. Both networks are pretrained and have 23 inputs each, with the same input...
  3. A

    Python How to binary encode this data

    What am trying to do is in each task I have elements and am going to randomly choose an element and create a matrix the same size as the data and put 1 for the selected element and 0 for the non-selected one The issues I have faced are that my data is not equal in length so that posed as a...
  4. Avi.Parker

    Python Pandas pd.date_range() HELP

    <start = dt.datetime(2022,1,1) end = dt.datetime(2023,1,1) dates = pd.date_range (start,end,freq='20D') print(dates)> I am the definition of a newbie to python, not to mention the pandas extension, That being said is there any way that I can have the pd.date_range() line count from the end...
  5. V

    Python Help!

    How do I make this script ignore certain words when renaming files? Please help! --- import pandas as pd import os from pathlib import Path as path df = pd.read_excel("KODAIX.xlsx") df = df.set_index('code') folder = path(r'C:\Users\X\PycharmProjects\pythonProject3\MOZAIKX') for file...
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