I have a problem about reaching out one url defnied in AuthController of auth service from any method of OrderControllerTest in order service.
As I cannot reach out it, I still get 404 Not Found exception. How can I reach out it?
I hope anyone can help me.
Here is the link ...
I have a problem in running any test method in service test and controller test in one of the spring boot microservices (order service).
After I completed service and controller , I tried to write their test methods but I have a problem in there.
How can I fix it?
Here is the security config...
I have a problem about solving JwtGrantedAuthoritiesConverter in order service after defining preauthorize annotation in some methods of Order Controller.
After I wrote the test shown below, I tried to run it but I got this issue shown below as well.
I also shared my repo as a link.
How can I...