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  1. B

    Node.JS My file in nodejs with express don´t work

    Hello! When I execute the code nodejs with npm start this message apear. (node:3900) Warning: To load an ES module, set "type": "module" in the package.json or use the .mjs extension. (Use node --trace-warnings ... to show where the warning was created) C:\Users\ar\ntask-api\index.js:1 import...
  2. Widusha Dheemantha

    Node.JS Can't Connect To MongoDB Atles

    in my case I upload the mongoes link from web to vs code & then I develop the module file. after that start the npm & start testing the inputs that I created in index.ejs file. when I click the submit button the information that I type on the input tag Is not on the mongoDB collection (in web)...
  3. A

    JavaScript Attempting to deliver an hls stream using express, works in browser but wont play in HLS player

    I am trying to make an express server that takes rtsp(am using ffmpeg) converted to hls/m3u8 and streams it upon request(so it can later be viewed on a client).I am still learning and am not too familiar, so any and all help is appreciated - if you have any resources that could help me in this...
  4. EkBass

    Chat with OpenAIAPI in console

    Hi. For some reason im not able to add code etc. tags to post. Maybe maintenance goin onor something. Anyway, here's the link to a Chat with OenAIAPI in console. Link updated in next post.
  5. D

    Node.JS Bizarre Node.js error

    I'm trying to do some basic stuff with MongoJS. When I try to run this simple program: var database = "testingMongoJS"; var collection = "testCollection"; var db = mongojs(database, collection); db.on("error", function(error){ console.log("Database: ", error); }) app.get("/"...
  6. P

    Node.JS How to properly make xhttp request to url every 20secs using node js

    Hello house, i am new to node js and i needed to run a task that makes an xhttp request to a given url every 20 secs. So my hosting cpanel i saw nodejs setup, and after few clicks i got the setup running and the customer care for my hosting company said my nodejs setup was correct and running...
  7. N

    Node.JS Loop and handling errors Puppeteer

    Hi there! I am looking for a solution to automate my script to re-run in an infinite loop till the script is stopped, and also i am having difficulties to let the script continue after any error, it should just re-start the process. At current, if all goes well it will run for some time till i...
  8. gahhon

    Node.JS ftp-promise how to always wait finish download before showing the values

    index.js const Utils= require('./utils'); async function callFTP() { const responseFTP = await Utils.FtpAPI('url', 'username', 'password', '202211070859.xml') console.log('index: ', responseFTP); } callFTP(); utils.js const convert = require('xml-js'); const moment =...
  9. Ordep-20

    Node.JS Youtube-video-js module blocking

    Hi guys I'm stucked in this nodeJS problem, I trying to make an embed youtube server using NodeJS, the base Idea its use and youtube/cdns video with external audio sync, I 've done this in PHP but have some issues for sync. I used this example...
  10. kush

    Node.JS mongoose find query inside loop

    there is around 300 users who watched video multiple times so i want to know how many users are watched the last video i just want to know how to get the final calculated value outside of async.each? i need to return inside an object function(totaluser,callback) { let cnt=0...
  11. JustinB

    JavaScript Accessing JSON-data

    Hello people, I'm currently working on a project with node-red. I implemented a tabulator-table inside the dashboard-template-node and filling it with data from a mysql database. Everything worked fine, until I tested it with a bigger database. I realized that it isn't the best way to load the...
  12. Elektrodemon

    Node.JS Check if user has a data for Economy Bot discord.js

    Heyo, I'm coding on an Economy-System right now but I have a problem. I have to check if the user has data and if he doesn't have data create it. Here is what I've done: if (UserJSON.user[message.author.id]) { //It doesn't detect the message.author.id console.log("User Data already...
  13. Elektrodemon

    Node.JS Check if user has a data for Economy Bot discord.js

    Heyo, I'm coding on an Economy-System right now but I have a problem. I have to check if the user has data and if he doesn't have data create it. Here is what I've done: if (UserJSON.user[message.author.id]) { //It doesn't detect the message.author.id console.log("User Data already...
  14. edwardsmarkf

    JavaScript promises changing question

    hello all, first time on this forum. i have serious problems trying to wrap my head around promises, so i have decided to just keep a couple of working examples around so i can refer back to those. here is an example i was able to put together: const firstPromise = (promiseInput) => {...
  15. ThetaSigma

    JavaScript How to send data to my website from local js?

    Salute ! Im kind of stuck, I have my discord bot which have a code checking something, and a var named valid comes to 1 if the checked argument is valid, but I want to send this var to my website js, so I can keep on with this var, the problem is that my website and my bot are two different...
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