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  1. acrosett

    Node.JS Eicrud - A CRUD/Authorization framework based on NestJS

    Hey everyone, I've been working on an open-source framework called Eicrud, which extends NestJS to make building scalable and secure Node.js applications much faster. I wanted to reach out to this community to gather feedback and see what you think of it. https://eicrud.com What is Eicrud...
  2. fivesobes

    Node.JS Free To Use Telegram AI Bot

    Repositories; https://github.com/Bes-js/TelegrAI A Telegram AI bot designed to understand and respond to user messages with artificial intelligence capabilities.
  3. B

    JavaScript Help with constants file

    I have a global constants file where I added a links node to it but I'm not sure how to translate that from the constants file into the html file or possibly ts file. constants file export const GlobalConstants = { AOApiPath...
  4. T

    JavaScript Creating a new array from recursive mapping

    I am attempting to do something very complex. I have a database that has a self relation (categories that contain a nested category). The ORM I’m using makes use of these categories as objects: category = [ { name: "Lights", description: "some description", parentid: "some id"...
  5. H

    Custom usefetcher invalid hook error in nextjs typescript

    I am trying to make a custom usefetcher in my Nextjs18 typescript project but it keeps giving me the "Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component." error. Here is the code: import { Axios as request } from "./axios"; import { AxiosRequestConfig } from...
  6. Ordep-20

    JavaScript BabelJS migrating old project

    Hello again, I'm migrating old project to babelJss since we face a lot of leg of pure js , its very simple we have a videojs we set the source by channel example channels { anime discovery news etc } it goes to a endpoint server it return the cdnj url of the channel, but here...
  7. Gundeep

    JavaScript need help in redirect page after upload GLB file

    Hello guys, I need help I created one HTML page in which the drag and drop or upload file button is there, in this I need if I upload a GLB file then it will redirect to the three JS scene and open that GLB file into that scene. If I added below two lines it divides my index.html into two parts...
  8. N

    Node.JS Https requests via 2 socks5 proxies

    I am trying to achieve an experimental setup in nodejs as illustrated below: https-server --> local socks5 proxy (Tor) --> my external socks5 proxy --> webserver. The existing https-server was written in nodejs and it intercepts requests from the clients firefox browser, modifies the headers...
  9. M

    Node.JS Custom Mutilevel stepper with progress bar using angular12?

    Hi All, I have recently started working on angular12 and I am trying to add multi-Stepper with progress bar to my angular code but I am unable to get how to do this. Also I want to add a sub stepper on each step. How to add progress bar shown in attached image in header of the page using...
  10. Apollyon

    How to fetch the last month's block and transactions from mempool?

    I want to fetch last month's block and transactions from mempool using typescript. And then persist this to MongoDb. In mempool API-REST there is a code of "GET_Block". import mempoolJS from "@mempool/mempool.js"; const init = async() => { const { bitcoin: { blocks } } =...
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