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Dicegame in console against simple AI


Silver Coder
So, this started when i thought different variations of a regular dice game. There is a billion dicegames allready so mostlikely this is pretty close some of them.

1. Anyway, idea is to get total of 19 or get closer to it than opponent. A draw game is possible if both players stops in same total value.
2. If player throws total of more than 19, he loses and game ends.
3. Once during a game, player can drop hes total value by 5. But only once and only if he has total of atleast 12.
4. Keys to play are "c" to continue, "s" to stop and "d" to drop if available.
5. Other player may still continue, if other has stopped playing.
6. Game continues as long as one of two players is still playing, other reaches 19 or goes over

First versions of the game was built by ChatGPT, but after adding some more features, the code started to be pretty messy. After i did learn, that it is not ment to build perfect code or syntax, but to be more like humanlike language model. So it did pretty humanlike error, like "forgt" to write variable names correct and so.

AI wont rule the world atleat soon, but i have to admit than in many cases it is a darn handy thing.
I would like to change the code so, that it is possible to choose do player want to play against another human or does he want to see how the simple ai in the game plays against itself. But i have some much else to do, that atleast for now i cant. If someone is interested about such a pretty small job, then be my guest. Code is available also at githut

I also would be thankfull if mods could remove my post about this issue here, no clue why i posted it there.

/* DiceGame first console version for C#
 * [email protected] with a friendly help from OpenAI.
 * OpenAI did basic building, ingame AI and fine tuning by me.
 * Check readme if you want to try
 * https://github.com/EkBass/DiceGameAndSimpleAi
 * Version 3, 29 June 2007                       

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Threading;

namespace DiceGame
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create players. One is human and otehr is cpu
            var playerH = new Player();
            playerH.Name = "Human";
            var playerC = new Player();
            playerC.Name = "CpuAi";

            // First throws
            Console.WriteLine("First throws...");
            Thread.Sleep(1000); // Delay for one second (1000 milliseconds)
            playerH.Total = RollDice();
            Console.WriteLine(playerH.Name + " throws a " + playerH.Total);

            Thread.Sleep(1000); // Delay for one second (1000 milliseconds)
            playerC.Total = RollDice();
            Console.WriteLine(playerC.Name + " throws a " + playerC.Total);

            // This is not fair draw but it goes
            var activePlayer = playerH;
            if (playerC.Total > playerH.Total)
                activePlayer = playerC;

            Console.WriteLine("Let the game begin.");

            // Lets start the main loop
            // As far there is one active player we need this
            while (playerH.IsActive || playerC.IsActive)
                string input = "";

                // If AI's turn, we use CpuAi function
                // else we need GetInput
                if (activePlayer.Name == "CpuAi" && activePlayer.IsActive)
                    input = CpuAi(playerH, playerC);
                if (activePlayer.Name == "Human" && activePlayer.IsActive)
                    input = GetInput(activePlayer);
                // Even if its not allways smart, player can stop when ever he wants.
                // So this requires no more attention
                if (input == "S")
                    // Set active player's IsActive flag to false to signal that they have stopped
                    activePlayer.IsActive = false;
                    Console.WriteLine($"{activePlayer.Name} decided to stop at {activePlayer.Total}.");
                else if (input == "C" && activePlayer.IsActive)
                    // throw dice
                    int roll = RollDice();
                    activePlayer.Total += roll;
                    Console.WriteLine($"{activePlayer.Name} rolls a {roll} and has a total of  {activePlayer.Total}");

                    // Check if active player has a total score greater than 19
                    if (activePlayer.Total > 19)
                    if(activePlayer.Total == 19)
                        // we have a winner
                else if (input == "D")
                    // illegal dropping attemps are handled at getkey function
                    activePlayer.Total -= 5;

                    if (activePlayer.Total <= 0)
                        // in theory this should never happen but ill leave here as decoration
                        activePlayer.Total = 0;
                    activePlayer.HasDropped = true;
                    Console.WriteLine($"{activePlayer.Name} drops down to {activePlayer.Total}");

                // Switch active player and repeat the loop
                activePlayer = SwitchPlayer(activePlayer, playerH, playerC);
            // end of main loop

            // Glory for the winner
            activePlayer = GetWinner(playerH, playerC);
            Console.WriteLine("We have the results here...");
            Console.WriteLine("And the winner is: " + activePlayer.Name);

            // exit program with a keypress
            Console.Write("Press any key to close the program.");
            var keyPress = Console.ReadKey(true);

        // a simple dice roll function
        // outputs should be done all inside main but im bit lazy now
        static int RollDice()
            // according AI, in theory Random can produce uninvited results, so lets check just incase
            int roll = 0;
            while (roll < 1 || roll > 6)
                roll = new Random().Next(1, 7);
            return roll;

            // lets read human player input from keyboard
            static string GetInput(Player player)
            // lets prepare for the fact that human might try to cheat
            bool check = false;
            string checkString = "";
            string input = "";

            while (!check)
                Console.WriteLine($"{player.Name} - Score: {player.Total}");
                if (player.Total > 12 && !player.HasDropped)
                    Console.Write("Do you want to Continue, Stop, or Drop 6? ");
                    checkString = "CSD";  // includes player options to input
                    Console.Write("Do you want to Continue or Stop? ");
                    checkString = "CS"; // D taken out since player cant drop

                // Check the input is valid
                var keyPress = Console.ReadKey(true);   // user input as char
                input = keyPress.KeyChar.ToString();    // make it as string
                input = input.ToUpper();                 // compare both as Uppercase
                if (checkString.IndexOf(input) != -1) 
                    check = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Try again.");

            // continue and stop are allways a option
            if (input.ToUpper() == "C" || input.ToUpper() == "S")
                return input;

            // if player wants to drop, lets check out
            if (input.ToUpper() == "D" && player.Total > 12 && !player.HasDropped)
                player.HasDropped = true;
                return input;

            // due the previous check, we should never end here
            Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Try again.");
            return GetInput(player);

        //  In a turn based game, we need to change player who's turn it is
        static Player SwitchPlayer(Player activePlayer, Player playerH, Player playerC)
            return (activePlayer == playerH) ? playerC : playerH;

        // Time for podiums
        static Player GetWinner(Player playerH, Player playerC)
            if(playerC.Total > 19)
                return playerH;     // AI busted
            if(playerH.Total > 19)
                return playerC;     // Human busted
            if (playerH.Total > playerC.Total)
                return playerH;     // Human wins
            if (playerC.Total > playerH.Total) // AI wins
                return playerC;
                // we have a tie game here.
                // i dont want to return nulls because i just dont want to so ill do it like this
                playerC.Name = "It's a tie. Good game folks.";
                return playerC;

        // AI who plays against human.
        // OpenAI did cool work with this in earlier versions.
        // But after few more IF THIS and IF THAT it got messy and i lost my nerves few times
        static string CpuAi(Player playerH, Player playerC)
            // easier to follow human and ai than playerthis and playerthat
            var humanPlayer = playerH;
            var aiPlayer = playerC;

            // this could basicly be 19.99 because in the end its inverted.
            // but as you see in the function, we are not playing too accurate here
            double maxGoal = 19.25;

            // 1. Can we just move on?
            if(aiPlayer.Total <= 12)
                return "C";

            // 2. Set average roll as random to get varieate results
            // this is not accurate to get bit more random results
            Random random = new Random();
            double averageThrow = random.NextDouble() * (4.0 - 3.0) + 3.0;

            // 3. Calculate AI's expected best max by averages
            double expectedMax = aiPlayer.Total;
            while (expectedMax < maxGoal)
                expectedMax += averageThrow;

            // 4. Calculate AI's expected best max by averages if drop
            double expectedMaxDrop = aiPlayer.Total - 5;
            while (expectedMax < maxGoal)
                expectedMaxDrop += averageThrow;

            // 5. If the human player has stopped, calculate the AI's chances
            if (!humanPlayer.IsActive)
                // 6. If human dont throw anymore and the AI has a better total, it should stop
                if (aiPlayer.Total > humanPlayer.Total)
                    return "S";

                // 7. If AI is losing or gettin tie
                // is there good chance to win just by throwing more
                if (expectedMax >= playerH.Total && aiPlayer.Total + averageThrow < maxGoal)
                    return "C";
                    // 8. Ok, so the hard way then.
                    // Lets see if drop could help
                    if (expectedMaxDrop > playerH.Total && aiPlayer.CanDrop && !aiPlayer.HasDropped)
                        return "D";

                // 9. Trick book for this scenario is nearly done.
                // But the last resort
                if (aiPlayer.Total >= humanPlayer.Total)
                    return "S";
                    // 10. just hit it
                    return "C";

            // 11. If we end up here, human player has not stopped playing
            // and things get bit more tricky.
            // Calculate human's expected best max by averages
            double humanExpectedMax = humanPlayer.Total;
            while (humanExpectedMax < maxGoal)
                humanExpectedMax += averageThrow;

            // 12. Calculate human's expected best max by averages if drops
            double humanExpectedMaxDrop = humanPlayer.Total - 5;
            while (humanExpectedMax < maxGoal)
                humanExpectedMaxDrop += averageThrow;

            // 13. If tie situation and risk to go over is high, we can accept tie
            if(aiPlayer.Total == humanPlayer.Total && aiPlayer.Total + (averageThrow * 0.9) > 19)
                return "S";

            // 14. Ok, its a risk to throw. Lets see does human gain from a drop
            if(humanPlayer.CanDrop && !humanPlayer.HasDropped)
                if(humanExpectedMaxDrop > expectedMax)
                    // 15. seems like human can get advantage if drop.
                    // this falls to another drop scenario later if not solved here
                    // if we are just a little bit under average far from 19, we hit
                    if(aiPlayer.Total + (averageThrow * 0.9) < maxGoal)
                        return "C";
                        // 16. i think AI should drop to gain more opportunities
                        if(aiPlayer.CanDrop && !aiPlayer.HasDropped)
                            return "D";
                            // 17. Ok, human has the odds. We can format c: or just accept it.
                            if(aiPlayer.Total + (averageThrow * 0.8) < maxGoal)
                                // 18. this is possible risk, but Ai got to do what Ai got to do
                                return "C";
                                // 19. just quit and hope human fucks up
                                return "S";

            // 20. Ok, so human cant drop and is still playing
            // lets see the AI's drop odds
            if (expectedMax < expectedMaxDrop)
                // 21. we might get advantage if we drop
                if (aiPlayer.CanDrop && !aiPlayer.HasDropped)
                    // but before we do so, lets see should us
                    // If goin over 19 is not so risky, we just continue
                    if((aiPlayer.Total + averageThrow * 0.9) < maxGoal)
                        // lets just hit
                        return "C";
                        // we drop
                        return "D";
            // 22. who has the odds?
            if(expectedMax < humanExpectedMax)
                // 23. ok, human has em
                if(aiPlayer.Total + (averageThrow * 0.9) < maxGoal)
                    // 23. best way to win, is not same as avoiding to lose
                    return "C";
                    // 24. looks bad for AI. "I surrender, i surrender..."
                    return "S";
            // 25. Woohoo, getting there
            // since there is only a uninteresting scenes left
            // or asleast something i cant imagine anymore
            // we play with the basic strategy.
            if(aiPlayer.Total + averageThrow > maxGoal)
                return "S";
                return "C";

    // let me introduce the skeleton of our players.
    class Player
        public string? Name { get; set; }
        public int Total { get; set; }
        public bool IsActive { get; set; }
        public bool CanDrop { get; set; }
        public bool HasDropped { get; set; }
        public bool HighRiskPlayer { get; set; }

        public Player()
            IsActive = true;
            CanDrop = true;
            HasDropped = false;

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