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HTML & CSS Nead help modifying some css that was made for a template node in node red


New Coder
Hello i am new here and dont know any css , and i know very little programming.
i am using a node red custom widget someone made, problem is it works for one device, when i add it to the next device they are totally linked together like they are the same piece
can someone look at this code and help me .
the name of the widget is Ghostthermostat,
i have changed everything that says Ghostthermostat to Ghostthermostat2
that helped keep them in there own groups, however when i actually do the actions to adjust temp , it only works on that last one in flows.
here is code.
    @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Roboto:ital,wght@0,100;0,300;0,400;0,500;0,700;0,900;1,100;1,300;1,400;1,500;1,700;1,900&display=swap');
    svg {
        transition: all .6s cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.2);

    stop {
        transition: all .5s;
    .led {
        -webkit-transition: all 0.5s;
        transition: all 0.5s;
        fill: url(#ledColor);
    .fa-text {
       font-family: FontAwesome !important;
    .dial {
        -webkit-user-select: none;
        -moz-user-select: none;
        -ms-user-select: none;
        user-select: none;
    .qGradient {
       fill : url(#qGradient);
    .qGradientT {
        fill : url(#qGradientT);
    .eGradient {
        fill : url(#eGradient);
    .lbl {
        font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
        text-anchor: middle;
        fill : #ffffff;
        clip-path: url(#qClip);
    .lblDial {
        fill: #dddddd;
    .lblAmbient {
        font-weight: 400;
        clip-path: url(#qClip);
    .lblAmbient tspan {
        font-weight: 400;
    .lblTarget {
        font-weight: 400;
        fill: orange;
    .lblTarget tspan {
        font-weight: 400;
        fill: orange;
        clip-path: url(#qClip);
    .nodisplay {
        display: none !important;
    .icon {
        font-family: FontAwesome !important;
    .animate {
        transition: all 0.5s;

<div id="GhostThermostat"></div>
var mousedownID = -1;
var ghostThermostatDial = (function() {

    function createSVGElement(tag, attributes, appendTo) {
        var element = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', tag);
        attr(element, attributes);
        if (appendTo) {
        return element;

    function attr(element, attrs) {
        for (var i in attrs) {
            element.setAttribute(i, attrs[i]);

    function setClass(el, className, state) {
        el.classList[state ? 'add' : 'remove'](className);

    return function(targetElement, options) {
        console.log("RET FUN");
        var self = this;

         * Options
        options = options || {};
        options = {
            diameter: options.diameter || 400,
            mintemp: options.mintemp || 0, // Minimum value for target temperature
            maxtemp: options.maxtemp || 200, // Maximum value for target temperature
            ledColors: {
                'off': 'rgb(143,141,141)',
                'heating': 'rgb(255,128,0)',
                'cooling': 'rgb(81,170,214)'
            }, //Led Ring Colors
            labels: {
                ambient: "WEST FERMENTER",
                set: "SET",
                mode: "MODE",
                minus: "-",
                plus: "+",
                left: "<",
                right: ">"
            onChangeState: options.onChangeState || function() {} // Function called when  switch state change

         * Properties
        var properties = {
            radius: options.diameter / 2,
            modes: [{
                    label: "heating",
                    icon: "\uf06d",
                    color: "orange"
                }, {
                    label: 'cooling',
                    icon: "\uf2dc",
                    color: "rgb(81,170,214)"
                }, {
                    label: "off",
                    icon: "\uf011",
                    color: "rgb(230,0,0)"
                /*, {
                label: 'away',
                icon: "\uf1ce",
                color: "gray"
            } */
            modeNames: ["heating", "cooling", "off"],
            swtitchStates: ["heating", "cooling", "off"]

         * Object state
        var state = {
            target_temperature: options.mintemp,
            ambient_temperature: options.maxtemp,
            mode: properties.modes.indexOf(properties.modes[0]),
            switch_state: 'off',
            away: false

         * Property getter / setters
        Object.defineProperty(this, 'target_temperature', {
            get: function() {
                return state.target_temperature;
            set: function(val) {
                state.target_temperature = rangedTemperature(+val);

        Object.defineProperty(this, 'ambient_temperature', {
            get: function() {
                return state.ambient_temperature;
            set: function(val) {
                state.ambient_temperature = +val;

        Object.defineProperty(this, 'mode_name', {
            get: function() {
                return properties.modeNames[state.mode];
            set: function(val) {
                if (properties.modeNames.indexOf(val) >= 0) {
                    state.mode = properties.modeNames.indexOf(val);

        Object.defineProperty(this, 'switch_state', {
            get: function() {
                return state.switch_state;
            set: function(val) {
                if (properties.swtitchStates.indexOf(val) >= 0) {
                    state.switch_state = val;

        function str2bool(strvalue) {
            return (strvalue && typeof strvalue == 'string') ? (strvalue.toLowerCase() == 'true') : (strvalue == true);

        Object.defineProperty(this, 'away', {
            get: function() {
                return state.away;
            set: function(val) {
                state.away = !!str2bool(val);

         * SVG
        var svg = createSVGElement('svg', {
            width: '100%', //options.diameter+'px',
            height: '100%', //options.diameter+'px',
            viewBox: '0 0 ' + options.diameter + ' ' + options.diameter,
            class: 'dial'
        }, targetElement);

        // DEFS
        var defs = createSVGElement('defs', null, svg);

        var qgradient = createSVGElement('linearGradient', {
            'id': 'qGradient',
            gradientTransform: 'rotate(65)'
        }, defs);
        var stop = createSVGElement('stop', {
            'offset': '50%',
            'stop-color': 'rgb(86,89,94)'
        }, qgradient);
        var stop = createSVGElement('stop', {
            'offset': '65%',
            'stop-color': 'rgb(30,30,30)'
        }, qgradient);

        var qGradientT = createSVGElement('linearGradient', {
            'id': 'qGradientT',
            gradientTransform: 'rotate(65)'
        }, defs);
        var stop = createSVGElement('stop', {
            'offset': '55%',
            'stop-color': '#3b3e43',
            'stop-opacity': '1'
        }, qGradientT);
        var stop = createSVGElement('stop', {
            'offset': '90%',
            'stop-color': 'rgb(0,0,0)',
            'stop-opacity': '1'
        }, qGradientT);

        var clipPath = createSVGElement('clipPath', {
            'id': 'qClip',
        }, defs);
        var circle = createSVGElement('circle', {
            cx: properties.radius,
            cy: properties.radius,
            r: properties.radius - 25
        }, clipPath);

        var ledRingGradient = createSVGElement('radialGradient', {
            'id': 'ledColor',
            'cx': "50%",
            'cy': "50%",
            'r': "95%",
            'fx': "50%",
            'fy': "50%"
        }, defs);
        var ledRingGradientColorIn = createSVGElement('stop', {
            'offset': '45%',
            'stop-color': 'rgb(255,0,130)',
            'stop-opacity': '1'
        }, ledRingGradient);
        var ledRingGradientColorOut = createSVGElement('stop', {
            'offset': '65%',
            'stop-color': 'rgb(0,0,0)',
            'stop-opacity': '1'
        }, ledRingGradient);

        var egradient = createSVGElement('linearGradient', {
            'id': 'eGradient',
            gradientTransform: 'rotate(55)'
        }, defs);
        var stop = createSVGElement('stop', {
            'offset': '55%',
            'stop-color': '#888888',
            'stop-opacity': '1'
        }, egradient);
        var stop = createSVGElement('stop', {
            'offset': '95%',
            'stop-color': '#333333',
            'stop-opacity': '1'
        }, egradient);

        // DIAL
        var circle = createSVGElement('circle', {
            cx: properties.radius,
            cy: properties.radius,
            r: properties.radius,
            class: 'eGradient'
        }, svg);
        var ledRing = createSVGElement('circle', {
            cx: properties.radius,
            cy: properties.radius,
            r: properties.radius - 3,
            'stroke': 'black',
            'stroke-width': '1',
            class: 'led'
        }, svg);
        var circle = createSVGElement('circle', {
            cx: properties.radius,
            cy: properties.radius,
            r: properties.radius - 20,
            class: 'qGradient'
        }, svg);
        var circle = createSVGElement('circle', {
            cx: properties.radius,
            cy: properties.radius,
            r: properties.radius - 25,
            class: 'qGradient'
        }, svg);
        var lblMain = createSVGElement('text', {
            x: properties.radius,
            y: 70,
            class: 'lbl lblDial'
        }, svg);
        var lblMainText = document.createTextNode(options.labels.ambient);

        var lblAmbient = createSVGElement('text', {
            x: properties.radius,
            y: 210,
            'font-size': '160',
            class: 'lbl lblAmbient'
        }, svg);
        var lblAmbientText = document.createTextNode('21');
        var lblAmbientDec = createSVGElement('tspan', {
            'font-size': '60',
        }, lblAmbient);
        var lblAmbientDecText = document.createTextNode('.5');

        var line = createSVGElement('line', {
            x1: 55,
            y1: properties.radius + 35,
            x2: options.diameter - 55,
            y2: properties.radius + 35,
            'stroke': '#DDDDDD',
            'stroke-width': '1',
            'opacity': '0.8'
        }, svg);

        var lblLeft = createSVGElement('text', {
            x: 125,
            y: properties.radius + 75,
            class: 'lbl lblDial'
        }, svg);
        var lblLeftText = document.createTextNode(options.labels.set);

        var lblTarget = createSVGElement('text', {
            x: 125,
            y: properties.radius + 115,
            'font-size': '35',
            class: 'lbl lblTarget'
        }, svg);
        var lblTargetText = document.createTextNode('20');

        var lblTargetDec = createSVGElement('tspan', {
            'font-size': '20',
        }, lblTarget);

        var lblTargetDecText = document.createTextNode('.5');

        var lblRight = createSVGElement('text', {
            x: options.diameter - 125,
            y: properties.radius + 75,
            class: 'lbl lblDial'
        }, svg);
        var lblRightText = document.createTextNode(options.labels.mode);

        var lblMode = createSVGElement('text', {
            x: options.diameter - 125,
            y: properties.radius + 115,
            'font-size': '35',
            class: 'lbl lblTarget icon'
        }, svg);
        var lblModeText = document.createTextNode(properties.modes[0].icon);

        var btnSet = createSVGElement('g', {
            transform: 'translate(200,200)'
        }, svg);
        var path = createSVGElement('path', {
            d: 'M0,40 L0,175   A175,175 0 0,1 -175,40    z',
            fill: 'blue',
            opacity: '0',
            'id': 'btnLeft'
        }, btnSet);
        var path = createSVGElement('path', {
            d: 'M0,40 L175,40   A175,175 0 0,1    0,175  z',
            fill: 'red',
            opacity: '0',
            'id': 'btnRight'
        }, btnSet);

        document.getElementById("btnLeft").onclick = function() {

        document.getElementById("btnRight").onclick = function() {

        var targetPanel = false;
        var modePanel = false;

        var lblAmbientAttributes = {
            x: lblAmbient.getAttribute('x'),
            y: lblAmbient.getAttribute('y'),
            size: lblAmbient.getAttribute('font-size')

        var lblAmbientDecAttributes = {
            x: lblAmbientDec.getAttribute('x'),
            y: lblAmbientDec.getAttribute('y'),
            size: lblAmbientDec.getAttribute('font-size')

        var lblTargetAttributes = {
            x: lblTarget.getAttribute('x'),
            y: lblTarget.getAttribute('y'),
            size: lblTarget.getAttribute('font-size')

        var lblTargetDecAttributes = {
            x: lblTargetDec.getAttribute('x'),
            y: lblTargetDec.getAttribute('y'),
            size: lblTargetDec.getAttribute('font-size')

        var lblModeAttributes = {
            x: lblMode.getAttribute('x'),
            y: lblMode.getAttribute('y'),
            size: lblMode.getAttribute('font-size')

        var lblRightAttributes = {
            x: lblRight.getAttribute('x'),
            y: lblRight.getAttribute('y'),
            size: lblRight.getAttribute('font-size')

        var lblLeftAttributes = {
            x: lblLeft.getAttribute('x'),
            y: lblLeft.getAttribute('y'),
            size: lblLeft.getAttribute('font-size')


        function setAmbientTemperature(ambientTemp) {
            var splitValues = separateDecValue(ambientTemp);
            lblAmbientText.textContent = splitValues.int;
            lblAmbientDecText.textContent = splitValues.dec;

        function calcTargetTemperature(operation) {
            let currentTemp = Number(parseFloat(lblTargetText.textContent + lblTargetDecText.textContent)).toFixed(1);
            let targetTemp = (operation == '-' ? Number(Number(currentTemp) - 0.5).toFixed(1) : Number(Number(currentTemp) + 0.5).toFixed(1));
            targetTemp = rangedTemperature(targetTemp);

        function setTargetTemperature(targetTemp) {
            var splitValues = separateDecValue(targetTemp);
            lblTargetText.textContent = splitValues.int;
            lblTargetDecText.textContent = splitValues.dec;
            if (state.target_temperature != targetTemp) {
                state.target_temperature = targetTemp

        function separateDecValue(floatFalue) {
            var int = Math.floor(floatFalue);
            var dec = Math.floor(((floatFalue % 1) * 10)) > 0 ? ("." + Math.floor(((floatFalue % 1) * 10))) : "";
            return {

        function rangedTemperature(temperature) {
            temperature = temperature < options.mintemp ? options.maxtemp : temperature;
            temperature = temperature > options.maxtemp ? options.mintemp : temperature;
            return temperature;

        function chkSwitchState() {
            var switchState = state.switch_state;
            switch (state.mode) {
                case 0:
                    switchState = state.ambient_temperature < state.target_temperature ? 'heating' : 'off';
                case 1:
                    switchState = state.ambient_temperature > state.target_temperature ? 'cooling' : 'off';
                    switchState = 'off';

            ledRingGradientColorIn.setAttribute('stop-color', options.ledColors[state.switch_state]);

            if (state.switch_state != switchState) {
                state.switch_state = switchState;

        function resetButton() {
            document.getElementById("btnLeft").onmousedown = "";
            document.getElementById("btnLeft").onmouseup = "";
            document.getElementById("btnLeft").onclick = function() {
            document.getElementById("btnRight").onmousedown = "";
            document.getElementById("btnRight").onmouseup = "";
            document.getElementById("btnRight").onclick = function() {

        function switchMainView(element, originalAttributes, mainLabel, leftLabel, rightLabel, panelState) {
            setClass(lblAmbient, "nodisplay", panelState);
            setClass(lblMain, "animate", panelState);
            setClass(lblLeft, "animate", panelState);
            setClass(lblRight, "animate", panelState);
            setClass(element, "animate", panelState);

            lblMainText.textContent = panelState ? mainLabel : options.labels.ambient;
            lblLeftText.textContent = panelState ? leftLabel : options.labels.set;

            lblLeft.setAttribute('y', panelState ? Number(lblLeftAttributes.y) + 40 : lblLeftAttributes.y);
            lblLeft.setAttribute('font-size', panelState ? "3.5em" : "1em");

            lblRightText.textContent = panelState ? rightLabel : options.labels.mode;
            lblRight.setAttribute('y', panelState ? Number(lblRightAttributes.y) + 40 : lblRightAttributes.y);
            lblRight.setAttribute('font-size', panelState ? "3.5em" : "1em");

            element.setAttribute('x', panelState ? lblAmbientAttributes.x : originalAttributes.x);
            element.setAttribute('x', panelState ? lblAmbientAttributes.x : originalAttributes.x);
            element.setAttribute('y', panelState ? lblAmbientAttributes.y : originalAttributes.y);
            element.setAttribute('font-size', panelState ? lblAmbientAttributes.size : originalAttributes.size);


        function setTargetClick() {

            targetPanel = targetPanel ? false : true;
            setClass(lblMode, "nodisplay", targetPanel);
            switchMainView(lblTarget, lblTargetAttributes, options.labels.set, options.labels.minus, options.labels.plus, targetPanel);

            lblTargetDec.setAttribute('font-size', targetPanel ? lblAmbientDecAttributes.size : lblTargetDecAttributes.size);

            if (targetPanel) {
                document.getElementById("btnLeft").onclick = "";
                document.getElementById("btnRight").onclick = "";

                document.getElementById("btnLeft").onmousedown = function() {
                    if (mousedownID == -1) { //Prevent multimple loops!
                        mousedownID = setInterval(calcTargetTemperature, 500, '-');
                document.getElementById("btnLeft").onmouseup = function() {
                    if (mousedownID != -1) { //Only stop if exists
                        mousedownID = -1;

                document.getElementById("btnRight").onmousedown = function() {
                    if (mousedownID == -1) { //Prevent multimple loops!
                        mousedownID = setInterval(calcTargetTemperature, 500, '+');
                document.getElementById("btnRight").onmouseup = function() {
                    if (mousedownID != -1) { //Only stop if exists
                        mousedownID = -1;

                lblTarget.onclick = function() {
            } else {

        function setModeClick() {

            modePanel = modePanel ? false : true;
            setClass(lblTarget, "nodisplay", modePanel);
            switchMainView(lblMode, lblModeAttributes, options.labels.mode, options.labels.left, options.labels.right, modePanel);

            if (modePanel) {

                document.getElementById("btnLeft").onclick = function() {
                    mode = state.mode;
                    mode = --mode < 0 ? properties.modes.length - 1 : mode;
                    console.log("MODE :" + mode);

                document.getElementById("btnRight").onclick = function() {
                    mode = state.mode;
                    mode = ++mode > properties.modes.length - 1 ? 0 : mode;
                    console.log("MODE :" + mode);

                lblMode.onclick = function() {
            } else {

        function setModeName(modeName) {
            lblMode.textContent = properties.modes[properties.modeNames.indexOf(modeName)].icon;
            lblMode.style.fill = properties.modes[properties.modeNames.indexOf(modeName)].color;
            state.mode = properties.modeNames.indexOf(modeName);
        function sendMsg() {
            if (typeof options.onChangeState == 'function') {

        function render() {


var initializing = true;

(function(scope) {
    var ghostThermostat = new ghostThermostatDial(document.getElementById('GhostThermostat'), {
        onChangeState: function() {
            var p = {
                "ambient_temperature": ghostThermostat.ambient_temperature,
                "target_temperature": ghostThermostat.target_temperature,
                "mode": ghostThermostat.mode_name,
                "switch_state": ghostThermostat.switch_state,
                "away": ghostThermostat.away
                topic: "changed_state",
                payload: p

    scope.$watch('msg', function(data) {
        if (initializing) {
            initializing = false;
        } else {
            ghostThermostat.ambient_temperature = data.payload.ambient_temperature || ghostThermostat.ambient_temperature;
            ghostThermostat.target_temperature = data.payload.target_temperature || ghostThermostat.target_temperature;
            ghostThermostat.mode_name = data.payload.mode || ghostThermostat.mode_name;
            ghostThermostat.switch_state = data.payload.switch_state || ghostThermostat.switch_state;
            ghostThermostat.away = data.payload.away || ghostThermostat.away;
I have looked at the code and cannot help you. It is far too much code, and I have no idea what your issue is. The only thing I understand from your problem description is that you are using something that someone else made, and it does not work for you the way you think it should. Therefore I would suggest you contact the person who created this !
the issue is i can not use it on different fermenters if i have it set up correctly in node red
all 3 (when i have 3 of them set up) control the first one.
i just dont know what is global and what is just a simple function.
I had initially contacted the creator and i have had no luck with a response from them.
wich is why i went to forums for help.

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