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The Oxygen-Software Recruitment Thread


Deleted member 205

Hey there.

So, I see you're interested in becoming one of the Lead/Co-Maintainers of one of Oxygen-Software's Projects, correct? If so, then welcome to the Oxygen-Software Recruitment Thread!

This Thread will be continuously updated with newly available Positions for Lead-Maintainer and Co-Maintainer Roles(Other Roles may appear sooner. But, I have yet to establish those new Roles for Projects).

Check back every so often for new Roles and see if you fit the bill for one of them! Maybe you can be the one to lead one of Oxygen's Projects.

Listing 1 - WebBox
Roles available:

  • Lead-Maintainer
  • Co-Maintainer
Oxygen is currently looking for two people to take the Roles of Lead-Maintainer and Co-Maintainer for Oxygen's first big Web-Software Project, WebBox( ). As a Lead/Co-Maintainer, your Job is to make sure that Development goes smoothly and on track, that the Software is Stable before being released to the public, making sure the Project follows Oxygen's Privacy-Standards and Coding-Style. You'll also track Statistics and Development of the Project, keep an eye out for any Issues that arise in both the Community and Userbase and make sure that the Software is also secure.

You'll need the following Skills:
  • Experience with PHP 7.2+(Experience with older Versions of PHP such as 5.X will also be applicable but it is recommended that you use and know 7.2+) - Required
  • Experience with *SQL and Databases(Note: There is currently no supported Database Software for WebBox. So, as the Lead-Maintainer and Co-Maintainer, it is up to you on which Database Software to use - Note 2: Only 1 of you needs to know about Databases and Database Software but it is recommended for the both to know about them). - Required for a minimum of 1 person
  • Experience with HTML and CSS(JavaScript is a plus). - HTML and CSS Required, JavaScript, preferably 1 person
  • Experience with Git Version-Control and the GitHub Website. - Required
  • Good Communication-Skills between others on the WorldWideWeb. - Required
If you happen to fall into any of the above, please PM me and we can discuss the Roles.

Listing 2 - Titanium-Wiki
Roles Available:

  • Lead-Maintainer
  • Co-Maintainer
Oxygen is currently looking for two people to take the Roles of Lead-Maintainer and Co-Maintainer for Oxygen's second big Web-Software Project(Repository not available just yet). As a Lead/Co-Maintainer, your Job is to make sure that Development goes smoothly and on track, that the Software is Stable before being released to the public, making sure the Project follows Oxygen's Privacy-Standards and Coding-Style. You'll also track Statistics and Development of the Project, keep an eye out for any Issues that arise in both the Community and Userbase and make sure that the Software is also secure.

Some Notes for you to take note of:
  • There is currently, no selected Programming-Language for the Software. Right now, it's a decision between PHP and Ruby but it's more than likely for PHP to be chosen as it's a We-Software Project. If you have PHP Skills then it's best to go with PHP and if you have Ruby Skills then it's best to go with Ruby. But if you have Skills in both then you'll need to decide on which one to choose.
  • This Project is extremely early In-Development. As of now, it's currently only got a couple of HTML Pages and a bunch of empty Directories. It will be your responsibility to start Programming the rest of the Pages, filling-up the Directories with Files and creating the Software as a whole. Another thing, you may also decide on a new Name for the Software.
  • When Developing the Project, do decide on whether to do a HTML-Only Version of the Software. This is because it is planned to be used on Oxygen's Website which is hosted under GitHub Pages(And GitHub Pages doesn't allow PHP, Ruby or Python Scripts). Again, do consider making a HTML-Only Version.
If you happen to believe that you're the right one for this Job then please PM me and we can discuss the Roles.
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