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  1. saad90

    Need help to fix bug in tic tac toe game

    I can't find the bug . I watched the video on 'bro code' youtube channel. Someone help in finding the bug. e #include<stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <ctype.h> char board[3][3]; const char PLAYER='X'; const char COMPUTER='O'; void resetBoard(); void printBoard(); void...
  2. B

    C Struggling to get string and then accept other types of input

    Hey there, it's been a long time since I've asked a question on this site! I've started building my library management project, however, I have ran into a problem involving scanning string input. Data for new books is saved to a structure: book name and author(both strings), year published and...
  3. Chillzy

    Why does this cause a seg fault?

    According to my IDE (CodeBlocks), this bit of code causes a seg fault. I'm trying to fix this but I don't even know why this causes a seg fault so an explanation would be helpful. ``` unsigned char* pixel_offset = data + (j + width * i) * byte_per_pixel; unsigned char y...
  4. Fast

    C Rand in C

    Hi, i'm a newbie and my teacher gave me an exercis with strings and arrays where i had to lowercase, uppercase ecc a string. Now i'm stuck with my code where i have to replace a random letter of the string with a random letter without using any library that simplify the problem. That's the code...
  5. bigBelly

    Find the next max number from an array using greedy method

    I am new to programming and I have to do a little program that has an array of n elements and i have to find the largest 4 numbers and to calculate the sum of them. Sorry if i didn t used the code function very good, but on phone i have some issues with the editor. Thanks for your help! As an...
  6. B

    xv6 - A recreation of the sixth version of UNIX

    Hello there, I introduce to you all: Xv6, a recreation of the sixth version of the original UNIX operating-system, written purely in C(just like UNIX). The operating-system was created purely for educational purposes at MIT and is much simpler for analysis than a Linux or BSD kernel. The...
  7. B

    Useless Simulation Project

    Introduction Hello there, Not too long ago, I began working on a simulation project as a way to sharpen my C programming skills. I wasn't happy with it, so I restarted it. As of today, I'm finally giving it away as I no longer want to work on the project, but, I do not want to dispose of it...
  8. Kaworu

    My char gets changed for apparently no reason

    Hi! I'm trying to learn pure C. I made a simple program with definitions of various variables there can be. Everything seems okay, but my char definied as "W" shows in the program as "h". I do not know why it is like that. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The program: My execution of...
  9. M

    C The C Tutorial Series - Tutorial 1: Printing, Variables And Data-Tyes, And Comments

    Introduction Welcome to the first tutorial in the C Tutorial Series, here on CF. In today's tutorial, we will be covering the following things: Printing out text Variables and their different data-types(char, int, float, and double) Commenting your code These are the prime basics that you will...
  10. M

    The C Tutorial Series

    Introduction Hey there, readers. I'd like to introduce you to the C Tutorial Series - A series in which I'll be teaching you the syntax of C and the concepts of the language and procedural-programming. You'll learn many new things in this series that can be transferred over to other languages...
  11. M

    K&R Completed Examples

    If you happen to be struggling with the exercises and code-samples given to you in The C Programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie(K&R), then feel free to visit this GitHub repository: https://github.com/caisah/K-and-R-exercises-and-examples It provides all of the solutions...
  12. M

    Tutorial An Explanation Of C

    What Is C? Invented at AT&T Bell Labs(Now 'Nokia Bell Labs') in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie(Deceased since 2011). Unlike many other Languages, C is a Procedural-Language. So, there are no such thing as Classes or Inheritance or Generics. C is purely based on Functions, If-Else Statements, Loops and...
  13. D

    Tutorial Simple Guessing Game In C[TUTORIAL]

    Hey everyone. Welcome to this C-Programming Tutorial. In today's Tutorial, I'm going to be showing you how to make a simple Guessing Game in C. Let's begin. First of all, choose where you want to store your Files. Is it in your Documents Directory, a separate Hard-Drive, choose where it will...
  14. D

    Tutorial Compiling A C Program[ LINUX ]

    So, you're starting off in the C Programming-Language. Once a popular Language that is still used but just less used than C++. Well, if you are learning C and you want to know how to Compile your Programs then you've come to the right place. NOTE: This is a Tutorial for Linux-Systems. It has...
  15. D

    Simple Number Guessing Program

    #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int usr_num = 0; // The Number that the User inserts int app_num = 56; // The Number that the Program is thinking of // Welcome Message printf("Hey. I'm thinking of a Number. Try and guess it and I'll tell you if you're right: "); //...
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