That Shell scripting tutorial could use more file commands and stuff. I guess I will have to watch a video or some. I know I will use "ls -a" and some way to make it an array like thing of names in current directory. Yes I want all things recorded. Any idea how to convert "ls -a" to like an array? X E.
That Shell scripting tutorial could use more file commands and stuff. I guess I will have to watch a video or some. I know I will use "ls -a" and some way to make it an array like thing of names in current directory. Yes I want all things recorded. Any idea how to convert "ls -a" to like an array? X E.
#save list of file name to variable
manifest="$(ls -p | grep -v /)"
#iterate through each file name and pass it to stat to get birth, access, modify info
while IFS= read -r line; do
stat $line
done <<< $manifest
I called my script "test", when you run that, you should get something like this
First, what, you have a Linux terminal, and second, I am unsure how to make an array of stat and format it. I also would need how to write to a file and only place I found that was Here is like my progress so far.
function recurse() {
#save list of file name to variable
manifest="$(ls -pa $1 | grep -v /)";
echo "$(stat $1)";
#iterate through each file name and pass it to stat to get birth, access, modify info
while IFS= read -r line; do
stat "$1$line"
done <<< $manifest
recurse ./
#X E.
I feel like getting close but do not know how, does that second video explain stuff like this because I did not watch that yet. I should also make a thing to check if it is a folder and if not ending in / add /. You could probably do this easily. I am trying for like line by line write out what I need. I would probably be doing recursion and for each file do stat and record it with absolute path first. I am getting more advanced but unsure if someone else who knows what they are doing should be doing this. I think inode, links, accessed by, accessed time, modify time, change time, and birth time should be what to record. Basically everything. If you ever make this thing it might help a lot of Linux users. I guess I may learn from AI for now. X E.
#12/29/2023, 5:59PM, started, X E.
function recurse() {
#save list of file name to variable
manifest="$(ls -a $1 | grep -v /)";
echo "$(stat $1)";
#iterate through each file name and pass it to stat to get birth, access, modify info
while IFS= read -r line; do
if [[ "$line" != ".." && "$line" != "." ]]; then
if [ -d "$1$line" ]; then
if [[ "$1$line" == */ ]]; then
recurse "$1$line";
recurse "$1$line/";
#echo "$line";
#echo "$1$line"
done <<< $manifest
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
recurse "$1";
recurse "$(pwd)/";
#X E.
Now all I need is a formatted text for stat and writer. X E.
#12/29/2023, 5:59PM, started, X E.
function recurseXE() {
#save list of file name to variable
manifest="$(ls -a $1 | grep -v /)";
#echo "$(stat $1)";
writeXE $1;
#iterate through each file name and pass it to stat to get birth, access, modify info
while IFS= read -r line; do
if [[ "$line" != ".." && "$line" != "." ]]; then
if [ -d "$1$line" ]; then
if [[ "$1$line" == */ ]]; then
recurseXE "$1$line";
recurseXE "$1$line/";
#echo "$line";
writeXE $1;
#echo "$1$line"
done <<< $manifest
#X E.
#X E.
function writeXE() {
echo $1;
# Store the output of the stat command in a variable
output="$(stat $1)";
# Use command substitution to split the output into an array
readarray -t stat_array <<< "$output";
# Print the array elements
for element in "${stat_array[@]}"; do
if [[ $element == *"Access:"* ]]; then
echo "access";
if [[ $element == *"Modify:"* ]]; then
echo "modify";
if [[ $element == *"Change:"* ]]; then
echo "change";
if [[ $element == *"Birth:"* ]]; then
echo "born";
#X E
#X E
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
if [ -d "$1" ]; then
if [[ "$1" == */ ]]; then
recurseXE "$1";
recurseXE "$1/";
recurseXE "$(pwd)/";
#X E.
What do I need to do to have this write to a file? Something like echo > file.txt, correct? I just need to know what format can I use for touch to understand later now. I can probably do everything else. X E.
First, what, you have a Linux terminal, and second, I am unsure how to make an array of stat and format it. I also would need how to write to a file and only place I found that was Here is like my progress so far.
function recurse() {
#save list of file name to variable
manifest="$(ls -pa $1 | grep -v /)";
echo "$(stat $1)";
#iterate through each file name and pass it to stat to get birth, access, modify info
while IFS= read -r line; do
stat "$1$line"
done <<< $manifest
recurse ./
#X E.
I feel like getting close but do not know how, does that second video explain stuff like this because I did not watch that yet. I should also make a thing to check if it is a folder and if not ending in / add /. You could probably do this easily. I am trying for like line by line write out what I need. I would probably be doing recursion and for each file do stat and record it with absolute path first. I am getting more advanced but unsure if someone else who knows what they are doing should be doing this. I think inode, links, accessed by, accessed time, modify time, change time, and birth time should be what to record. Basically everything. If you ever make this thing it might help a lot of Linux users. I guess I may learn from AI for now. X E.
#12/29/2023, 5:59PM, started, X E.
function recurse() {
#save list of file name to variable
manifest="$(ls -a $1 | grep -v /)";
echo "$(stat $1)";
#iterate through each file name and pass it to stat to get birth, access, modify info
while IFS= read -r line; do
if [[ "$line" != ".." && "$line" != "." ]]; then
if [ -d "$1$line" ]; then
if [[ "$1$line" == */ ]]; then
recurse "$1$line";
recurse "$1$line/";
#echo "$line";
#echo "$1$line"
done <<< $manifest
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
recurse "$1";
recurse "$(pwd)/";
#X E.
Now all I need is a formatted text for stat and writer. X E.
#Set up array at beginning
arr=('Hello' 'World')
#add stat of files to array
arr+=("$(stat $line)")
#iterate thru
for stats in ${arr[@]}; do
birth="$(grep 'Birth' $stats)"
modified="$(grep 'Modify' $stats)"
#get the date from the new variable and save to file
printf "" >> file
I could have easily popped open my Parrot Security OS box, or my linux mint boot drive, but since I was on my windows machine, I just popped wsl because laziness XD
function writeXE() {
echo $1;
# Get the file's creation time using stat
created_at=$(stat -c %W $1);
# Get the timestamps using stat
modified_at=$(stat -c %y $1)
accessed_at=$(stat -c %x $1)
changed_at=$(stat -c %z $1)
# Format the creation time using the date command
formatted_created_at=$(date -d @$created_at +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
# Format the timestamps using date
formatted_modified_at=$(date -d "$modified_at" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
formatted_accessed_at=$(date -d "$accessed_at" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
formatted_changed_at=$(date -d "$changed_at" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
echo "$formatted_created_at, $formatted_modified_at, $formatted_accessed_at, $formatted_changed_at";
# Store the output of the stat command in a variable
#output="$(stat $1)";
# Use command substitution to split the output into an array
#readarray -t stat_array <<< "$output";
# Print the array elements
#for element in "${stat_array[@]}"; do
# if [[ $element == *"Access:"* ]]; then
# echo "access";
# fi
# if [[ $element == *"Modify:"* ]]; then
# echo "modify";
# fi
# if [[ $element == *"Change:"* ]]; then
# echo "change";
# if [[ $element == *"Birth:"* ]]; then
# echo "born";
# fi
#X E.
#X E.
It directly gets formatted stuff now. Now just writing to a file. I should probably eliminate some variables but do not know how. X E.
I think what I may do is line by line, path, then next line a timestamp and next line another timestamp and so on. I do not know how to do file read and write yet and I can't seem to get \n to appear as new line so can you help @Antero360? X E.
function writeXE() {
echo $1;
# Get the file's creation time using stat
created_at=$(stat -c %W $1);
# Get the timestamps using stat
modified_at=$(stat -c %y $1)
accessed_at=$(stat -c %x $1)
changed_at=$(stat -c %z $1)
# Format the creation time using the date command
formatted_created_at=$(date -d @$created_at +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
# Format the timestamps using date
formatted_modified_at=$(date -d "$modified_at" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
formatted_accessed_at=$(date -d "$accessed_at" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
formatted_changed_at=$(date -d "$changed_at" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
echo "$formatted_created_at, $formatted_modified_at, $formatted_accessed_at, $formatted_changed_at";
# Store the output of the stat command in a variable
#output="$(stat $1)";
# Use command substitution to split the output into an array
#readarray -t stat_array <<< "$output";
# Print the array elements
#for element in "${stat_array[@]}"; do
# if [[ $element == *"Access:"* ]]; then
# echo "access";
# fi
# if [[ $element == *"Modify:"* ]]; then
# echo "modify";
# fi
# if [[ $element == *"Change:"* ]]; then
# echo "change";
# if [[ $element == *"Birth:"* ]]; then
# echo "born";
# fi
#X E.
#X E.
It directly gets formatted stuff now. Now just writing to a file. I should probably eliminate some variables but do not know how. X E.
Okay, so that is appending and I will be starting with a new file each time. That works. Will each call to echo make a new line? I never found out how to make a new line. X E.
Okay, so that is appending and I will be starting with a new file each time. That works. Will each call to echo make a new line? I never found out how to make a new line. X E.
#12/29/2023, 5:59PM, started, X E.
function startXE() {
if [ -f "$1propsXE.txt" ]; then
echo "$1propsXE.txt exists";
rm i "$1propsXE.txt";
echo "File deleted";
echo "$1propsXE.txt does not exist";
recurseXE $1 "$1propsXE.txt";
echo "" >> "$1propsXE.txt";
echo "X E." >> "$1propsXE.txt";
#X E.
#X E.
function recurseXE() {
#save list of file name to variable
manifest="$(ls -a $1 | grep -v /)";
#echo "$(stat $1)";
writeXE $1 $2;
#iterate through each file name and pass it to stat to get birth, access, modify info
while IFS= read -r line; do
if [[ "$line" != ".." && "$line" != "." ]]; then
if [ -d "$1$line" ]; then
if [[ "$1$line" == */ ]]; then
recurseXE "$1$line";
recurseXE "$1$line/";
#echo "$line";
writeXE $1 $2;
#echo "$1$line"
done <<< $manifest
#X E.
#X E.
function writeXE() {
echo $1 >> $2;
# Get the file's creation time using stat
created_at=$(stat -c %W $1);
# Get the timestamps using stat
modified_at=$(stat -c %y $1)
accessed_at=$(stat -c %x $1)
changed_at=$(stat -c %z $1)
# Format the creation time using the date command
formatted_created_at=$(date -d @$created_at +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
# Format the timestamps using date
formatted_modified_at=$(date -d "$modified_at" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
formatted_accessed_at=$(date -d "$accessed_at" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
formatted_changed_at=$(date -d "$changed_at" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
echo $formatted_created_at >> $2;
echo $formatted_modified_at >> $2;
echo $formatted_accessed_at >> $2;
echo $formatted_changed_at >> $2;
# Store the output of the stat command in a variable
#output="$(stat $1)";
# Use command substitution to split the output into an array
#readarray -t stat_array <<< "$output";
# Print the array elements
#for element in "${stat_array[@]}"; do
# if [[ $element == *"Access:"* ]]; then
# echo "access";
# fi
# if [[ $element == *"Modify:"* ]]; then
# echo "modify";
# fi
# if [[ $element == *"Change:"* ]]; then
# echo "change";
# if [[ $element == *"Birth:"* ]]; then
# echo "born";
# fi
#X E.
#X E.
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
if [ -d "$1" ]; then
if [[ "$1" == */ ]]; then
startXE "$1";
startXE "$1/";
if [[ "$(pwd)" == */ ]]; then
startXE "$(pwd)";
startXE "$(pwd)/";
#X E.
#12/29/2023, 5:59PM, started, X E.
function startXE() {
if [ -f "$1propsXE.txt" ]; then
echo "$1propsXE.txt exists";
rm i "$1propsXE.txt";
echo "File deleted";
echo "$1propsXE.txt does not exist";
recurseXE $1 "$1propsXE.txt";
echo "" >> "$1propsXE.txt";
echo "X E." >> "$1propsXE.txt";
#X E.
#X E.
function recurseXE() {
#save list of file name to variable
manifest="$(ls -a $1 | grep -v /)";
#echo "$(stat $1)";
writeXE $1 $2;
#iterate through each file name and pass it to stat to get birth, access, modify info
while IFS= read -r line; do
if [[ "$line" != ".." && "$line" != "." ]]; then
if [ -d "$1$line" ]; then
if [[ "$1$line" == */ ]]; then
recurseXE "$1$line";
recurseXE "$1$line/";
#echo "$line";
writeXE $1 $2;
#echo "$1$line"
done <<< $manifest
#X E.
#X E.
function writeXE() {
echo $1 >> $2;
# Get the file's creation time using stat
created_at=$(stat -c %W $1);
# Get the timestamps using stat
modified_at=$(stat -c %y $1)
accessed_at=$(stat -c %x $1)
changed_at=$(stat -c %z $1)
# Format the creation time using the date command
formatted_created_at=$(date -d @$created_at +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
# Format the timestamps using date
formatted_modified_at=$(date -d "$modified_at" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
formatted_accessed_at=$(date -d "$accessed_at" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
formatted_changed_at=$(date -d "$changed_at" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
echo $formatted_created_at >> $2;
echo $formatted_modified_at >> $2;
echo $formatted_accessed_at >> $2;
echo $formatted_changed_at >> $2;
# Store the output of the stat command in a variable
#output="$(stat $1)";
# Use command substitution to split the output into an array
#readarray -t stat_array <<< "$output";
# Print the array elements
#for element in "${stat_array[@]}"; do
# if [[ $element == *"Access:"* ]]; then
# echo "access";
# fi
# if [[ $element == *"Modify:"* ]]; then
# echo "modify";
# fi
# if [[ $element == *"Change:"* ]]; then
# echo "change";
# if [[ $element == *"Birth:"* ]]; then
# echo "born";
# fi
#X E.
#X E.
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
if [ -d "$1" ]; then
if [[ "$1" == */ ]]; then
startXE "$1";
startXE "$1/";
if [[ "$(pwd)" == */ ]]; then
startXE "$(pwd)";
startXE "$(pwd)/";
#X E.