Hello Coders!
Let's do something fun! This is supposed to be a fun way for us as a community to engage and learn from each other.
Okay, here's how it goes. You can decide what language you want to use, and all you have to say is "Hello, (person above)!" in the language that you picked ([UWSL][UWSL][UWSL]Using the BBCode function)[/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL].
So here's an example
Let's do something fun! This is supposed to be a fun way for us as a community to engage and learn from each other.
Okay, here's how it goes. You can decide what language you want to use, and all you have to say is "Hello, (person above)!" in the language that you picked ([UWSL][UWSL][UWSL]Using the BBCode function)[/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL].
So here's an example
std::cout << "Hello, Master Yoda";
You say Hello to the person above you
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