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  1. P

    JavaScript boolean help

    Hi, please see const money = 0; if(money) { console.log ("dont spend it all"); } else console.log("you should get a job"); i need help here... i understand JS will try ro coerce any value into a boolean if its not a boolean JS will try to convert it to a boolean where do truthy and...
  2. P

    JavaScript vscode console

    Hi :) i am taking a course and the instructor is using VS Code see below on the left please note the right side "JavaSCript Fundemantals- Part 1" and below it runs the code i want to output my JS like that... what i code on the left displays to the right how can i do that? i hope i am...
  3. P

    JavaScript output crisis

    Hello, begining JS problem i know little at this point :( when i run my code on output i get A TON of confusing data i am pretty sure it was fine in the last few days when i use console.log plese see the image on the right i am after the console running my code... and thats it :) never...
  4. P

    validation confusion

    Hi, please see https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=https%3A%2F%2Fforallthetime.com%2FBI-R%2Flocation.html i am not sure how to fix this :( i dont even know what this means! help me out with the proper code and an explanation :) thanks!
  5. P

    FTP problem?

    hello, see https://forallthetime.com/BI-Q/index.html# off line VSCode is MUCH different the chair image is massive on my Iphone, and smaller on desktop online i am after the desktop look, smaller and have the text wrap .... i would still l ike to tweak the desktop, but i want to resolve...
  6. P

    hamburger wont work

    please see https://forallthetime.com/BI-D/rentals.html the hamburger wont click :( i reviewed my code, dont see where my trouble is note: all the other links work and the footer nav rental works please help me
  7. P

    SCSS @mixins vs @extend

    Hello, what is the difference here? when should i use one or the other? keep it simple for me :) thanks!
  8. P

    getting started with :root and css variables

    Hello, besides background-color, what are other common uses for css vairables? if i want to use css variables for an entire site, is it best to have say a style.css that i can link to in all my pages? <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">every page and in that style.css i use :root and...
  9. P

    installing sass into vs code

    Hello, a bit lost and intimated here :( i have done some research and can not find a good youtube on installing sass into VS Code i am hoping some one here can suggest one :) btw i read a good part of sass is nesting, if i am content on writing code without sass, should i simply not use...
  10. P

    responsive tables

    Hello, straightfoward... how do i make tables responsive? help would be great :) thanks!
  11. P

    wonky footer

    Hello, ok, interesting site www.forallthetime.com/project1/index.html see footer i have succesfuly FTP the footer, more clearly the social media icons on my desktop google there are no issues with the icons, in dev tools too.. they are all there :) desktop firefox is fine too desktop...
  12. P

    using images and copywrites

    Hello, i made a site years ago using images provided to me by a friend. another friend told me about a google images search just drag and drop an image most come back without a match however, some searches return that searched image i dont know if i had the image first an somebody else...
  13. P

    validation follow up

    please see https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=https%3A%2F%2Fforallthetime.com%2Fproject7_2%2Findex.html i have trouble with the 1 error, the others are just warnings... no need to panic, right? also please see W3C CSS Validator results for http://forallthetime.com/project7_2/style.css (CSS...
  14. P

    navigation color confusion

    hello please see https://codepen.io/Pavel_NA/pen/ZEVXgpP 5 links in the nav, good can not change the background color of the lghter blue rectangles to another color :( i tried #menu li { background-color: #e70c68; } and for a split second, it works... but very soon vaishes :( and...
  15. P

    validation error, help please

    please see https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=https%3A%2F%2Fforallthetime.com%2Flinks%2Fvisit.html what does all this mean? how do i fix it? please provide the corect code BTW i have almost no dev tool experience, just to be clear :) get back to me MANY THANKS!
  16. P

    footer direction problem

    please see https://codepen.io/Pavel_NA/pen/dywoGmg cannot get my media icons horizontal in the footer tried evreything i could think of :( please help me out with the proper code many thanks!
  17. P

    gap in code

    Hi, please see Home on a desktop notice below the footer there is a white gap my codepen https://codepen.io/Pavel_NA/pen/mdQqgEg no gap, and on my smart phone no gap please help me out provide the correct code to fully resolve my issue and a freindly follow up kindly address a...
  18. P

    missing divs

    see https://forallthetime.com/progress/index.html and https://codepen.io/Pavel_NA/pen/ZEmejLR my goal is to have 4 divs beneath every h2 says "Button" that goes no where # .button { border: 5px solid; margin: auto; width: 50%; padding: 10px; background-color: #e70c68...
  19. P

    validation trouble

    i am stuck and lost here :( would most appreciate all you can do for me please see https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=https%3A%2F%2Fforallthetime.com%2Fprogress%2Findex.html i get line 1 warning, let that go and line 23 i got rid of that slash, but still shows an error especially the other...
  20. P

    media query follow up help, please

    please see https://forallthetime.com/obx/index.html at breakpoint 768px on my iphone, the nav overlaps,visit, explore,events and FAQ on my desktop in chrome dev tools at that breakpoint *everything* fits fine! i tried clear history and website data... no go :( confused i kindly ask anyone...
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