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  1. Connor

    HTML & CSS HTML Searching System

    I am working on a search project. I am new to html, css, etc., and haven't the slightest idea of how to accomplish this. Here is my idea in simplest form: 1. User visits website. 2. User finds search box (form) I created. 3. User types something into search box. 4. When the user clicks the...
  2. Introduction | Javascript | Tutorial 1

    Introduction | Javascript | Tutorial 1

    Giraffe Academy is rebranding! I've decided to re-focus the brand of this channel to highlight myself as a developer and teacher! The newly minted Mike Dane ...
  3. Learn JavaScript - Full Course for Beginners

    Learn JavaScript - Full Course for Beginners

    This complete 134-part JavaScript tutorial for beginners will teach you everything you need to know to get started with the JavaScript programming language.⭐...
  4. RetroGirl

    How virtual controller made

    Hi everyone! Me and my friends are working on making a game in JavaScript that will be a retro platform game. My friend says we "NEED" to have this virtual controller so people could play on their phones. In the game Hop and Bop, they have a virtual controller. We are trying to make something...
  5. mahdiweb

    How to populate a text field on a webpage with a chrome extension?

    I'm trying to create my first chrome extension but I can't fill a text field on a web from my chrome extension. If I could get some help filling in this textfield or a general textfield it would be greatly appreciated. Here are the files I have so far: manifeste.json { "name"...
  6. Johna

    JavaScript How can I add a timeout in between functions?

    <button id="button">Click me!</button> $("#button").click(function() { console.log("clicked"); }) The button can be clicked any number of times, but I want the JavaScript function to only run at most once per second. So if the button was clicked twice in a second, the function will only run...
  7. JustinB

    JavaScript Accessing JSON-data

    Hello people, I'm currently working on a project with node-red. I implemented a tabulator-table inside the dashboard-template-node and filling it with data from a mysql database. Everything worked fine, until I tested it with a bigger database. I realized that it isn't the best way to load the...
  8. Cokslam

    JavaScript [Question] Script not working need assistance, Matching Array with Input

    Hello Guys, im new to HTML CSS and Javascript I'm trying to make a search bar input to answer question based on City Area Covered in array i already prepare, then i want to make the javascipt to produce different result when searched based on the matching input data with array i'm trying this...
  9. G

    JavaScript Help with bookmarklet: Checking a checkbox

    Hello all, First of all, im not a developper. Thanks for any help you can give me. I need help with checking a checkbox with a bookmarklet. I made a javascript bookmarklet script that used to work but since a new system update at job, it doesnt work anymore. Old: javascript:if...
  10. Jonny Preis

    JavaScript Toggle Dark mode

    Hello im trying to get my Dark mode working but i cant find the problem <template> <!--<v-btn @click="toggleTheme" text rounded outlined>Change Mode</v-btn> --><v-btn icon @click="toggleTheme" v-on:keyup="emitToParent"> <v-icon > {{ ($vuetify.theme.dark) ...
  11. C

    JavaScript Calculation with dates doesn't work

    Dear experts I'm not really used to javascript, and I maybe have a silly problem. In my script I want to calculate the date of today minus a earlier day and need the numbers of day. Javascript is calculating in milliseconds, right? I get a number of days but they are really wrong. Do I have...
  12. Abhishek6198

    JavaScript jsPDF-Unable to write updated values in pdf

    I am trying to print an HTML table in my pdf. This is my code: let a = 0; let b = 0; let c = 0; let table = document.getElementById('pol_table'); const doc = new jsPDF(); date.onchange = evt => { $.ajax({ url: '/server.php'...
  13. K

    JavaScript Issue with textarea script?

    so im trying to create an "AUTO" WYSIWYG real-time documentation generator for VS2019 Intellisense in javascript & jquery. so i got it working, but noticed after I type "Description : " ( a keyword ) into the text box, it converts fine but THEN if i try to delete it, it keeps on adding the <b>...
  14. Abhishek6198

    JavaScript jspdf-autotable: font is not working in live website

    I am trying to set a custom font inside styles{} inside doc.autoTable({ }). This is my code: let doc = new jsPDF(); doc.autoTable({ html: '#news_pos', startX: 10, startY: 15, theme: 'grid', bodyStyles: {lineColor: [0, 0, 0]}, styles: {...
  15. E

    JavaScript JavaScript Bookmarklet bug?

    Alright so when I add a id tag to a html element <div id = 'test'>hi<div> [CODE/] and use [CODE] document.querySelector("#hi").style.backgroundColor = "green"; [CODE/], it works. However, the second I use [CODE] mainwindow.id = 'hi'; [CODE/] in [CODE] const mainWindow =...
  16. H

    Contribute to an open source web project

    Hello there! I would like to participate in a web project to improve my front end programming skills in HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript. Could you please tell me or guide me how can I contribute to a free web project? I searched on the net but could not find anything. Thanks a lot!
  17. S

    JavaScript Getting value from a defined function variable name

    I have a function like so: var UploadMediaViewModel = (function () { const umvm = this; var blah = ""; umvm.upload = null; umvm.toProcess = []; umvm.unload = function(e) { cancel(); } umvm.canSubmit = false; umvm.submitWhenComplete = false...
  18. D

    Node.JS How to correctly prescribe if there is a filter for the filter?

    There is a filter. The filter filters by the "full name" field. Everything works. Logic: - the user enters the criteria for the filter in <input id="fio"> - criteria fall into JS - data is received from the database - the HTML table is stored. How to set up a filter for...
  19. uploadusername

    Whats new in flutter 3

  20. uploadusername

    Future of Flutter

    What is the future of Flutter? It could not be a better time to discuss the future of Flutter because, as of today, May 2022, it has just launched Flutter 3. With their new-in-the-market features, it becomes easier to hold a microscope on the future plans of Flutter and predict its outcome. With...
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