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  1. purelocal

    CSS Using multiple background images in CSS with responsive media queries

    Hey people , My site has 1 100% cover background per page - in CSS - to display different sizes by screen size the following can be used : @media screen and (min-width:460px) { background image with ~460px size @media screen and (min-width:1280px) { background image with ~1280px size ...etc...
  2. W

    HTML & CSS HTML/CSS - Multiple images in carousel slide show

    I'm trying to create a slideshow that shows 4 images at a time, and then you can click arrows on the left and right to go to the next set of images. When I attempt to open my html file in google chrome, all the images stack on top of each other vertically instead of horizontally and my arrows...
  3. Hemmel

    HTML & CSS How to call a different popup within the same popup

    Hello everyone, I'm using the template "Ocean Vibes" from TemplateMo and it uses popups. I know there's a way to create a button to go to the next popup, but I can't find how to make a button to go to the popup that I want. For example, popups "about", "gallery" and "contact". In popup...
  4. S

    HTML & CSS how to copy this part to my wordpress blog

    Hi guys, I'll need your help to implement this part from another WordPress Blog to mine. could you help me with that, please? Here is the link to the post: https://www.plainchicken.com/slow-cooker-cream-cheese-crack-chicken/ Thank's
  5. Lance

    HTML & CSS Media Query

    <h3 style="text-align: center; margin-left: 100px; padding-top: 30px;">Latest Posts</h3> <div class="a2c" style="background-color:black; margin: 40px 40px 80px 100px; width: 400px; height: 480px;"> <div id="image" style="margin-top: 20px;"> <a href="test.html"> <img...
  6. S

    HTML & CSS Why does an <img> within a <div> display a narrow gap at the bottom?

    Hi All I have placed an <img> within a <div>. Here's the HTML: <div class="box"> <img class="height200" src="https://picsum.photos/200/200?random=1"> </div> Here's the CSS: .box { display: inline-block; margin: 20px...
  7. dennermelo

    HTML & CSS Create a kind of pager in a box.

    I need to create a second repository session, but they are expanded by a "Next" button. Sorry if there are errors in English, I'm Brazilian.
  8. hhaarr

    HTML & CSS Why does the class work inside the img tag but not inside div?

    Hello everyone why does it work here <div> <img src="pix.jpeg" alt="Eastern Port" class="A5"> </div> but not here <div class="A5" > <img src="pix.jpeg" alt="Eastern Port"> </div> this is as far as it goes for the class in CSS .A5 { width: 50%; } Thanks for any help
  9. S

    HTML & CSS Why does an image break its layout if the image is not found?

    I am displaying a box (.box class) within which 2 cards (.card class) are present. The requirements are as follows: 1) The box has the same height as the cards. 2) The cards are required to be displayed at the extreme left and right ends of the box, on the same row. Within each .card object...
  10. R

    HTML & CSS Can not get all links to work with my custom cursor

    Hello, so I have been running into an issue, I am still kind of a newbie and I have a custom cursor on my site but for some reason when I hover over my "projects" div class column-two the links do not work. they work with my name and information and contact info but not the projects and not sure...
  11. H

    HTML & CSS Animated web banners

    Hello I have designed an animated web banner in GreenSock. It’s a pretty simple banner with an image as a background and some text and graphics animated. Only lasts a couple of seconds.The size is 300x250. Now I’ve been asked to make it responsive for desktop and mobile. At the moment it’s...
  12. amyLou

    CSS Bootstrap gradients

    Is it possible to create gradients in bootstrap ?
  13. amyLou

    HTML & CSS Advice

    I've been using HTML and CSS for sometime now and have created a number of websites with it. I have included some jquery in them, and mostly learned everything I know from Lynda.com tutorials. I'm looking to add some more modern and advanced features to my repertoire like parallax, scrolling...
  14. psycho_41

    HTML & CSS Need help to create this page exactly like this

  15. P

    HTML & CSS linear-gradient text for small words

    .halloween { background-image: linear-gradient(to left, black, orange); -webkit-background-clip: text; -moz-background-clip: text; background-clip: text; color: transparent; } .christmas { background-image: linear-gradient(to left, green, crimson)...
  16. henoida

    CSS CSS for Google custom search

    On the site I'm trying to build: https://www.dynomotion.com/test/index-search.htm the cursor does not focus within the search box. Does anybody know I have done wrong? Any pointers would be very much appreciated! Thanks For the styling of the search, I use the following css: #cse-search-form...
  17. L

    CSS How to style an unordered list without styling another one nested within it

    Hi all, This is my first time posting, so I hope I’m doing it correctly.... please bear with me. I’m very new to coding, so this is probably a super easy question to answer, but it’s driving me nuts. I have an <ul> nested within another <ul> I need to style the direct children of that FIRST...
  18. J

    HTML & CSS How to make a dropdown menu?? Please Help

    Hello! I am new to CSS and HTML-- I feel like this should be easy but i can't figure it out. This website was made by someone else and i am tasked with created a dropdown tab on one of the links. Here is the page for some background: https://earlyyearsinc.com/community.html I need...
  19. J

    HTML & CSS Two browsers display image wrong.

    I have an image that is 810 pixels wide. My HTML is: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>WTF</title> </head> <body> <ul style="list-style-type:none;"> <li> <img src="Image.png" alt="" style="margin: 0 auto 0 auto;width:810px;display:block;"> </li>...
  20. Malcolm

    Tutorial CSS Border Radius - Border-radius:

    CSS Border Radius Property Hello Coders! Another quick tutorial! This tutorial is using the border-radius property to create rounded corners to rounded elements. You should have an understanding of both HTML & CSS, you can check out What is HTML & What is CSS for more info. In this tutorial...
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